Example sentences of "had [been] [v-ing] in " in BNC.

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1 He had been swinging in and out of consciousness for several days .
2 I put the phone down , wondering how many people had been listening in on the extensions , and went back into my room .
3 He had been listening in .
4 Some hours later , after a torrential thunderstorm , the wriggling foot , that had been kicking in very strange places , finally broke through and I soke at five in the morning with a warm , wet feeling .
5 they said they had been bringing in one of their nets , which had seemed very heavy .
6 The Feldwebel came back , and the man who had been filling in the new form turned round in his chair and looked at me .
7 Naughtie had been filling in time .
8 He told Ballater that someone had been breaking in .
9 Reveille for the remainder was at 0600 , as the transit camp we had been living in for the fortnight had to be handed over to the next inhabitants spick and span .
10 Basically er the broad overall description would be to compensate for the conditions that the tenants had been living in prior to the move .
11 Annie had been slotting in and out of the discussion , focusing as much on Sheila as on her desire to make a logical sense out of the argument .
12 For the last hour between half-a-million and a million starlings — impossible to estimate accurately — had been flying in from every direction .
13 Wilde , she argued , was in a state of insanity owing to the shock to his self-esteem of prison , ‘ and the exposure of the abnormal and filthy practises which he had been indulging in with stable boys ’ .
14 When the surgeon had departed , Morse turned with unwarranted ferocity upon his ill-used sergeant : ‘ You told me , Lewis , that Mr Eddie bloody Stratton had been missing in quite extraordinarily suspicious circumstances since early afternoon , and that a frenetically distraught Ashenden had rung you up — ’
15 The signal is dated 1 August 1942 and states that a stream of messages had been coming in from Stirling in the desert regarding the shipment of supplies by Bombays for delivery on 4 August .
16 People from outside the college had been coming in freely , causing trouble , stealing and even beating students .
17 But I did discover where they had been coming in — through the stable and into the wall — and where they had resided when I pulled down the ceiling lathes in the dairy and a load of old nests and rat droppings fell on to my head .
18 His mum , Jacqueline , of Cardigan , said : ‘ When I bent down I could see that the metal mesh had been cutting in to his scalp . ’
19 Thierse replaced Markus Meckel , the Foreign Minister , who had been standing in since the March resignation of Ibrahim Böhme [ see p. 37302 ] .
20 Thierse replaced Markus Meckel , the then Foreign Minister , who had been standing in since the March resignation of Ibrahim Böhme [ see p. 37302 ] .
21 Howard leapt to his feet from the chair he had been sitting in .
22 The moon had been shining in , silvering everything with its ghostly light , when Roman had made love to her .
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