Example sentences of "had [not/n't] be make " in BNC.

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1 The Unemployment Unit , a pressure group which calculates the unemployment figure as if the changes had not been made , claims it is 2,325,100 compared with the Government 's figure of 1,751,000 .
2 The reasons for the centre 's heed fur taxes like the prodnalog and many others had not been made clear to the villagers by the party cell .
3 In those days the final link in the Iceland circle road had not been made and I needed a plane , bound for Fagurhólsmýri , to reach the National park .
4 a radiograph of the pieces revealed that it had not been made from just one piece of iron , but from many welded together .
5 He was writing it afresh , there and then , word for word , but the words , although they were identical to the familiar text , were nevertheless new words , words that had not been made before .
6 Parliament granted a tax of a sixteenth , and in return it was promised that the perambulations of Edward I should be confirmed , and that new perambulations should be made before Christmas in the forests where they had not been made in the previous reign .
7 Evidently the fate of the would-be rapist had not been made public .
8 In many ways this was a sensible policy since even if Danzig had not been made a Free City and had remained within the long arm of Prussia , the local economy was too poor to maintain it for long ; a German Danzig would still have been forced to rely upon a distant Vistula hinterland .
9 Mr Marcall said the reductions had not been made because the holiday market was depressed .
10 If , alternatively , it was a gift then it was incomplete , since the transfers of property had not been made and it might be said , therefore , that the cousins could revoke the incomplete gift .
11 The Panel said that the conversations imparted material new information which had not been made public or could not be made public .
12 Hundreds of callers jammed the BBC switchboard for more than an hour , complaining it had not been made clear it was make believe .
13 Need has been variously defined , but in this study needs were deemed to be unmet if interventions were acceptable to the client and the following applied : ( a ) for activities of daily living a person was dependent on help from the carer and this dependence could be reversed by provision of an aid ; ( b ) for communication disorders there had not been an assessment by a speech therapist ; ( c ) for services ( day care , respite care ) a referral had not been made to the appropriate agency and subsequent referral proved successful ; and ( d ) for benefits the client or carer was unaware of eligibility for benefits , an application had not been made , and subsequent application was successful .
14 Need has been variously defined , but in this study needs were deemed to be unmet if interventions were acceptable to the client and the following applied : ( a ) for activities of daily living a person was dependent on help from the carer and this dependence could be reversed by provision of an aid ; ( b ) for communication disorders there had not been an assessment by a speech therapist ; ( c ) for services ( day care , respite care ) a referral had not been made to the appropriate agency and subsequent referral proved successful ; and ( d ) for benefits the client or carer was unaware of eligibility for benefits , an application had not been made , and subsequent application was successful .
15 The Collector felt no confidence at all that her child had not been made in vain .
16 and a few lines later : ‘ It does not follow that she would not have signed the charge if those representations had not been made . ’
17 The assistant recorder was right to find , as he did , that the allegations of agency set out in the defence had not been made out .
18 The Divisional Court , dismissing the prosecutor 's appeal , held that the requirement to provide a specimen of blood had not been made in accordance with section 7(4) since the defendant had not been given an opportunity to express a preference for giving a sample of blood or urine .
19 On appeal by the boy 's father against the care order in respect of the boy on the grounds that the threshold conditions of section 31(2) had not been made out : —
20 In that case no such presumption could exist : on the contrary where Parliament had provided that the decision of an inferior court was final and conclusive the High Court should not be astute to find that the inferior court 's decision on a question of law had not been made final and conclusive , thereby excluding the jurisdiction to review it .
21 The Court 's position had not been made any easier by suggestions that it was possible for the Government to influence its decisions .
22 The majority took the view that the case for banning non-voting ordinary shares had not been made out but that such shares should be clearly labelled and that their holders should be entitled to receive notices of all meetings so as to be kept informed .
23 Despite all this , however , both committees took the view that incest should be confined to sexual intercourse on the ground that the case for extending the offence had not been made out .
24 I remind him that there has been criticism historically when statements have been made about incidents in Great Britain , when it was commented that similar statements had not been made in the context of Northern Ireland .
25 Use made of these facilities has been minimal up to now , largely because the technology had not been made available to RBGE staff before 1990 , and scientific staff were not aware of the possibilities .
26 He also confirmed that he had authorized US aid to Honduras in return for Honduran assistance to the contras , a quid pro quo arrangement first revealed during the trial of Oliver North [ see p. 36649 ] , but he claimed that the linkage within the arrangement had not been made explicit .
27 Belloucif , who had left his post as secretary of the Minister of Defence in 1987 , had already in 1989 faced a commission of inquiry of six generals , although this hearing had not been made public until now .
28 Grunte , to whom the suggestion had not been made , and who had not been invited to Archer 's bloody party in the first place , watched the novelist return to his table .
29 Her red dress had not been made to walk in and had seen better days .
30 … the court … must act on the valuation unless there be proof of some mistake or improper motive … as if the valuer has valued something not included or had valued it on a wholly erroneous basis … from Lord Eldon 's judgment in Emery v Wase ( 1803 ) 8 Ves Jun 506 , where the difference between valuations of £4,000 and £6,000 was said to warrant judicial suspicion that the valuation had not been made with attention to accuracy : but the case was decided on the basis of the court 's duty to protect the property of married women .
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