Example sentences of "had [not/n't] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 I made it clear on a number of occasions over recent years that there was , in retrospect , one change that I wish we had not made at the time , but it was one that was urged on us by right hon. Gentlemen opposite .
2 Since Freemantle had to walk within a few yards of Leapor 's door whenever she approached Brackley from Hinton , it is perhaps odd that they had not met at least in passing .
3 Although Dolben was probably not interested sentimentally in Hopkins , he admired him and his poetry , and the two young men deeply influenced each other in both their verse and their intentions of becoming Roman Catholic converts , an ambition Dolben had not fulfilled at his death .
4 Jeffrey , who had been the youngest MP , but not for long , and the deputy chairman of the Party for a little while , considered that he had not done at all badly .
5 She said she had not complained at the paratroopers ' barracks because she knew she would be in trouble for being out of bounds .
6 She was not a good artist and she was wearing company , but she must have some redeeming qualities , although Madeleine Corley and her companions at Tourettes sur Loup had not hinted at any .
7 These had been regular church-goers in the Caribbean but had not felt at home in the more restrained worship of the British churches , and some had felt cold-shouldered by the white members .
8 His three spinster daughters , whom he had not registered at the parish church in any way , were all baptised as adults at Badcox .
9 In this connection , it was noted that France had not participated at the Military Committee meeting ( having remained outside the NATO joint military structure since 1966 ) , but had decided in March to join a working party created at the July 1990 NATO summit [ see p. 37599 ] to consider the strategic implications of the changed world situation .
10 The Royal Marines had not landed at Dakar because , without adequate craft for an overwhelming initial assault , any piecemeal landing could have led to prolonged fighting with potential allies .
11 It was almost as though such an experience gave the initiated a glimpse of a deeper level of reality than the allegedly shallow analysis of contemporary society by those who had not faced at first hand the traumas of modern warfare .
12 Well if that were so my Lord then there would never be any any solicitor 's negligence claims , in which any expert was ever called to give evidence because it 's always going to be eventually a matter of law as to what the defendant 's duty is but what the er what the plaintiff had not said at any stage is that a matter of law is ever going to be admissible and in fact the is Justice our in the course of er er a case in which he , despite expressing reservations about the admissibility of the evidence , plainly admitted it because he was within the course of his judgement .
13 Yet that was the situation Rodet was accepting ; and Wolff had not sneered at him for it .
14 At the final endoscopy , 934 ( 97.1% ) of the 962 patients whose duodenal ulcers had not healed at the two week endoscopy had taken their medication regularly , 15 ( 1.6% ) had taken medication irregularly , and information was lacking for 13 ( 1.4% ) patients .
15 If the Justice of the Forest discovered that a wood was without a woodward , or that a woodward had not taken the oath or had not appeared at the Forest Eyre to be sworn , or neglected his duty , or committed trespasses in the forest , the wood in question was seized for the king , but the owner was usually allowed to recover it on payment of a fine .
16 He had spoken to no one about his discovery of Merymose 's body , not even to Taheb , who was distracted by the preparations for her reluctant departure , and had not questioned him when he told her that Merymose had not appeared at their meeting place .
17 Ipswich had not played at Roots Hall since the 1950s , although Southend were , in fact , their first opponents in the Football League .
18 He had played so extraordinarily fair with her the night before , he reflected , contentedly , that it was as if he had not played at all .
19 One he had not seen at all , the fourth , who had stayed at the hideout ready to kill Simon Cormack on a phone call , or a no-show by his colleagues by a certain time .
20 Why , Alyssia thought , she had not jumped at the idea the moment it was suggested was anybody 's guess .
21 He also noted how photographs could contain details the photographer had not observed at the time that the lens was focused and the exposure was made .
22 The judge ordered on an action by the plaintiffs , Waltham Forest London Borough Council , that they should recover possession of 336 , Stocksfield Road , Walthamstow , London , E.17 , on the ground that the defendant did not qualify to succeed within section 87 of the Housing Act 1985 the tenant , Webster Thomas , the defendant 's brother who had died while a secure tenant of the premises as the defendant had not resided at those premises for a period of 12 months ending with his brother 's death .
23 The plaintiffs claim that the defendant did not succeed to the secure tenancy of 336 , Stocksfield Road because he had not resided at 336 , Stocksfield Road for 12 months before his brother died .
24 The house itself had not changed at all , but my cousins certainly had .
25 Both Fabien and I had become older , harder , perhaps , but she had not changed at all .
26 Shultz swiftly put out word , through a spokesman , that he had not known at all .
27 He had not known at the time that they were officers of the law .
28 He had read and enjoyed her diary though there were things in it that he was sure he had not known at fourteen and that he felt , uneasily , were not quite suitable for her to know .
29 I explained that I had not entered at the right time because I had been a hostage in Iraq .
30 But in 24 of 40 WFS countries , among women who worked , levels of infant mortality were lower when the mother was employed away from home in anon-farm occupation ( some education and skills ) than when she had not worked at all since marriage .
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