Example sentences of "had [to-vb] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bothwell 's men had to carry their leader back to Hermitage , where he was greeted by the mortifying news that the prisoners had overpowered their guards and taken charge of the castle .
2 Everyone had to wait their turn or be punished by filling in a long complicated questionnaire two hundred and sixteen times .
3 The unions had to bear their share of responsibility for ‘ attitudes of entrenched resistance to change ’ .
4 They had to pull their weight , but they brought up one or two who had lost their parents just as if they were their own children .
5 In the first round voters had to indicate their preference for an individual candidate and for a party list .
6 The development officers had to trust their support workers not to increase their hours unnecessarily ; weekly meetings with workers helped to avoid this , but the development officers felt it was impossible to prevent altogether .
7 In Alexandria he found that the railway meandered down to the beach and passengers had to find their way on to the trains without any benefit of station buildings .
8 [ A ] you had to remember their name , and greet them by name ; and [ B ] you had to remember their seat .
9 [ A ] you had to remember their name , and greet them by name ; and [ B ] you had to remember their seat .
10 This used to be the system operated in the UK when banks had to set their interest rates in line with Bank rate .
11 They had to pick their way past trolleys loaded high with videotapes — some in large plastic containers , others in small plastic boxes plastered with labels .
12 They had to pick their way around the rest of it , because the floors were mainly gone , although some big holes still had carpet laid across them .
13 The couple , in their mid-70s , lost their life savings of £65,000 and had to sell their home .
14 In addition the fact that it had to be paid in cash meant that the farmers had to sell their crop to the grain-dealer and then often enough borrow money from the money lender .
15 The family — without plane tickets and passports — had to talk their way past airport officials on their homeward journey .
16 There was always a war on somewhere in Inca Peru and all young men had to serve their time .
17 But in the middle , cases would arise where the courts had to exercise their discretion , cases where differences of degree merged almost imperceptibly into differences of kind .
18 When construction , or rather demolition began , thousands of people had to wend their way through the mud and debris to get from their homes in the south of the city to their work in the north or to the shops and market .
19 For example , having lost the institutional support of local government , polytechnics had to strengthen their management structures very rapidly .
20 They had to fulfil their election promises that the days of austerity were numbered .
21 There was never any question that the movies would become political or radical as the showmen were as opposed to Socialism and labour unions as their fellow American businessmen and , in any case , they remained firmly of the opinion that what they had to give their public was entertainment .
22 Then er on a Saturdays our slaughterhouse was , our slaughterhouse was still open up the street then and we used to perhaps kill twelve , fourteen pigs for private people , but they had to give their ration up , six months ' or twelve months ' ration up to have these pigs .
23 THE DEATH of two pet dogs from cancer was one of the factors which convinced a family they had to leave their home near the Sellafield nuclear processing plant in Cumbria , a High Court judge was told yesterday .
24 They had to leave their cottage within a week but fortunately another job with a cottage was obtained in Downton .
25 A Vietnamese couple who had to leave their country and fled to the North Yorkshire market town of Kirkbymoorside 14 years ago , are returning to it to open a Chinese takeaway .
26 Pamela Churchill had to leave their house which she had to lease out to others to get income from the rent .
27 Editors still had to submit their material for inspection ( after it had been printed , but before it was distributed ) ; they could be penalized both by indictment in the courts and by direct action on the part of the Minister of Internal Affairs ; and they had to lodge monetary bonds with the authorities to facilitate the payment of fines if the government moved against them .
28 Operators and management still had to use their understanding of the process to control it .
29 The regency delayed the full application of the new moral code on the aristocracy until the coming of peace , but by 1820 with the furore generated by Queen Caroline 's trial for adultery , there was clearly a new pressure for purity to which the aristocracy had to bend their knee .
30 They had to extend their knowledge of the behaviour of soft metals , learn to interpret complicated machine drawings , gain new machine shop skills , and accept the discipline of working as part of a team .
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