Example sentences of "had [to-vb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 We had to wait for all three of them to finish before getting it back .
2 I had to wait for another performance to see . ’
3 Fellow passengers had to wait for another train to continue their journey because the original train 's safety mechanism had jammed .
4 The puzzle was that the times one had to wait for this to happen varied very greatly from nucleus to nucleus , despite there being only small changes in the circumstances involved .
5 We had to wait for some months in order to get a passage and finally set oft on my birthday in January .
6 We had to wait for some days until a convoy of ships was ready .
7 She had to wait for some time before the door was opened , and she hoped very much that it would be opened by Clelia , but it was not ; it was opened by a thin , brown , balding , youngish looking man .
8 Electrical stimulation could produce dramatic effects , but the proper study of electro-physiology had to wait for some time until it was possible to record small electrical potentials .
9 Stunned by the sensation , she had to search for all the willpower she possessed not to let her reaction show in her expression .
10 They 're here all this morning , but they had to go for another meeting .
11 Jesuit leaders said , however , that those on trial had been " scapegoats " and that the search had to continue for those high up in the military who had masterminded the operation .
12 The investigators knew that within an hour or so of their arrival at the accident site , but they had to work for another year and a half to find out why :
13 The plans for the new building had to provide for these units and also for the Continental Shelf Unit which occupied a building in the Government Training Centre at Granton from 1969 .
14 In earlier work , he and others had established that the cortical-evoked potential , and also direct cortical stimulation , had to persist for several hundred milliseconds before subjects reported feeling anything .
15 So although the ERP had to persist for several hundred milliseconds before the subject felt anything , they nevertheless reported that the sensation had occurred at the moment when the ERP was beginning .
16 In October 1922 , employees ' wages were reduced by three shillings a week ! conditions at that time were severe ; men had to serve for several years on the seasonal staff before being taken on as a regular .
17 What he had to announce for this year was , particularly in its revenue-raising aspects , decidedly thin , indeed fiscally neutral .
18 She went out of one door but then a sheet of flame came down and blocked me , so I had to look for another way out . ’
19 erm We had to look for some lower riders and erm Tony Primmer of course comes in at four , which helps us immensely .
20 Yes , I mean I run a series for one of the local newspapers on past Lewes mayors and the amount of work that I had to do for that meant that I picked up all sorts of pieces of information about what other mayors had tried in the past , and things that had been successful and things that had been disasters , and as it was the centenary I went to a lot of trouble to look up exactly what had happened a hundred years ago and to try and recreate the ceremonial connected with that , and then when we elected erm two people honourary freeman of the town I got in all of the other mayors from Sussex , asked them to come along with their robes and mace bearers and so on , and we had this very sort of grand ceremonial procession in the Assembly Hall , which was sort of packed out with about four hundred people .
21 Yes , I mean I run a series for one of the local newspapers on past Lewes mayors , and the amount of work that I had to do for that meant that I picked up all sorts of pieces of information about what other mayors had tried in the past , and things that had been successful and things that had been disasters , and as it was a centenary , I went to a lot of trouble to look up exactly what had happened a hundred years ago , and to try and recreate the ceremonial connected with that .
22 The plane might have been forced down by fighters or other enemy action , or had to land for some other reason , and we do n't know whether the men were able to get away all right or not .
23 They had to settle for much less , however , and an understanding was reached with local authorities , in spite of some early reluctance on their part .
24 But Jim says his firm had to settle for less than they expected over work on the Minister 's home in Putney , south-west London .
25 In learning to account for its difference from non-Europe , it also had to account for this supremacy , for the unquestionable success it had had in imposing its hegemony on ‘ inferior ’ cultures .
26 He had to think for several seconds before he came out with , " Moi , je suis Italien . "
27 Well I thought you had to pay for that Ken ?
28 Do you know what the total price of the tickets would have been if I had to pay for this , one hundred and ten pounds
29 Until nine years ago he was heir to one of the biggest private fortunes in America , comfortably in step with the Gettys , Basses and Mellons , but had to ask for enough money to buy a house .
30 Sam Llewellyn 's family charter on the Lycian coast had to cater for all tastes , including those of a budding rock and roll band
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