Example sentences of "had [vb pp] into be " in BNC.

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1 The Treaty of Rome had been signed without her in March 1957 ; the EEC had come into being in January 1958 ; and de Gaulle had been recalled to power in France to solve the Algerian crisis in June that year .
2 An easy symbiosis had come into being between the cultivated pagan and the educated Christian .
3 The leaders of the community and the religious élites differentiated themselves from society at large by adopting these virtues ; monastic communities had come into being dedicated to their observance .
4 Once a hierarchical order of open systems had come into being , natural selection , operating on the elaboration of new hierarchies and new cybernetics , became capable of generating states of greater heterogeneity with integrative systemic control .
5 The factory had come into being , Marglin argues , because it enabled the owner to force higher levels of output out of operators .
6 It was hard to avoid the conclusion that while pique may have played a part in its foundation , it had come into being not so much to benefit its members in terms of strengthening trade within the seven , but on the basis of a belief that in unity there was strength : in other words , as a group of seven they would be in a less disadvantageous position vis-à-vis the Six than if each separately attempted to negotiate some accommodation with the Six .
7 By the middle of the 1970s a markedly different , and , according to some observers at least , much improved congress had come into being .
8 If , moreover , at this early date , sizeable Nazarean enclaves existed as far distant as Syria , one can not ignore the possibility that they had come into being prior to Jesus 's death and were already established at the time of the Crucifixion .
9 Even before 1905 , a solidly-based mass press had come into being , and in the last decade of the Empire there was an explosion in the publication of newspapers , while the number of books appearing more than trebled in the first decade and a half of the century .
10 e.g. " The Liberal-Labour coalition , which had come into being around 1900 , was committed to the extension of democracy . "
11 Well , my mother I left school and me mother said , the Labour Exchanges had come into being , er this was nineteen nineteen , they were in existence in Nottingham .
12 And then much of this leeway was made up and the capacity being there er , well the hours of work were getting tackled then , they 'd been longer hours and er I think as a a boy coming out of apprenticeship , er the forty seven hour week had come into being .
13 An indissoluble friendship among the Soviet nations had been established , and a Soviet people , a ‘ qualitatively new social and international community ’ , had come into being , ‘ cemented by the same economic interests , ideology and political goals ’ .
14 In 1922 he left his Worcester parish to run the church of St Edmund King and Martyr in Lombard Street in the City of London , a non-parochial cure , which left him free for his major postwar work as ‘ messenger ’ of the Industrial Christian Fellowship , which had come into being in 1920 as a result of the amalgamation of the Christian Social Union and the Navvy Mission Society .
15 The end of active hostilities between Chad and Libya in September 1987 ( see pp. 35876-79 ) , and the formal declaration of Oct. 3 , 1988 , that their war was at an end ( see p. 36256 ) , made it possible for the Habre regime to pursue what it described as a policy of " national reconciliation " with the many groups and factions which had come into being during the country 's protracted civil war .
16 South Korea 's " northward diplomacy " , which had come into being during late 1988 as part of its strategy for achieving a closer relationship with North Korea , was pursued assiduously during 1989 and with notable success towards the end of that year [ see also pp. 37041 ; 37089 ] .
17 The enthusiasm of official propaganda derived partly from the triumphalism inherent in a regime which had come into being by dint of a military victory , and partly from the need to conceal , or divert attention away from domestic problems .
18 Possibly , as Dr Beckett has suggested , nothing radical had been intended , but nevertheless high-yield , permanent direct taxation had come into being .
19 Although at first he had to consolidate his position at home , it was always his ambition to undermine the European order which had come into being after the defeat of his uncle .
20 In two waves , one in late 1859 , the other in early 1860 , representatives of the various provincial committees which had come into being as a result of the Nazimov Rescript came to St Petersburg to discuss their ideas with the Editing Commissions .
21 ‘ Mother , it 's ten to midnight ! ’ called Sally from the doorway , and Liz , looking around the confusion she had summoned into being , the scattered earth , the scattered people , the murmuring , the singing , the clustering , thought yes , this was a party , yes , this was living rather than not living , this was permitted , this was planned disorder , this was cathartic , this was therapeutic , this was admired misrule .
22 No story better illustrates the importance of the English-speaking world that Britain had brought into being , than James Flanagan 's reception .
23 As creator the sun god had brought into being other cosmic powers , those of air ( Shu ) , earth ( Geb ) and sky ( Nut ) .
24 Their hatred of exploitation and their knowledge of western capitalism and the socialist movement it had brought into being led them to utopian socialist illusions .
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