Example sentences of "had [vb pp] out for " in BNC.

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1 On his earlier journey across the mountains Giles had looked out for landmarks — a waterfall , an old tree , a small lake .
2 Forest , held to a 1-1 draw at the City Ground , were 3-1 ahead with 17 minutes of normal time left , and deservedly so ; they had come out for the second half bristling with determination to make quality tell .
3 The smile had come out for the landlord , and disappeared when he had left the room .
4 A large number of people had turned out for it .
5 It contained a bible , a penknife with a horn handle , a clay pipe , and the verse which she had written out for him two Christmases ago : ‘ For hearts of truest mettle , Absence doth join and time doth settle . ’
6 As they began work on the new songs Mike Stock had mapped out for their latest discovery , the world 's most successful record producing trio explained they now realised what they had on their hands .
7 Had Louis been inclined to forget the destiny his father had mapped out for him , he would have been forcefully reminded of it in the last decade of his reign , when his chief adviser was Suger , abbot of St Denis between 1122 and 1151 , a man of humble birth consumed by a passionate devotion to the cause of monarchy in the Carolingian mould .
8 I 'd got a stripe pretty quickly but lacked another qualification for the duties the colonel , doubtless a frustrated journalist himself , had mapped out for me .
9 The figure remained absolutely still among the little birch trees and right in the path Stephen had mapped out for himself to take .
10 But Purcell did not set the lyrics in quite the way their writer had mapped out for him .
11 That caveat notwithstanding , those close to Mr Bush insist that there was an effort to get a non-military solution , and that if Saddam Hussein had reached out for it he could have walked away from Kuwait with something gained from his adventure .
12 Neural linkage , brain to brain and brain to computer , was old science , had been pushed to the limit in the years before mankind had reached out for the stars .
13 He launched a great shout of : ‘ Espérance Percy ! ’ behind him , waved a hand at the squire who carried his guidon , settled his lance , and plunged headlong down into the river at the ford they had marked out for the centre , and out again in a flurry of muddy spray on the levels beyond , with the whole company of his knights and squires and mounted men-at-arms hurtling after him .
14 Some other students — but he knew from experience that his mother would want all the details , and he clearly remembered the time he had slipped out for an evening to meet a girl the only girl he had ever really liked .
15 She could have told her guest that the midges were like little piranhas of the air ; but she had n't , and now Betty had found out for herself .
16 He pushed back his chair , and went to change into the evening clothes that Chambers had laid out for him .
17 One morning I went out into the garden to fetch some clothes from the washing line and walked past Gibeau , who was shooting sparrows with his assault rifle , as they fed on grain he had laid out for them .
18 We bought some after we had laid out for most of ours
19 The silence had stretched out for some time .
20 In Roirbak 's laboratory wing , Ari was watching a movie too , though of a slightly different nature to any Roirbak had set out for Nathan 's entertainment .
21 ‘ Yes , I brought her the tray Mrs Porter had set out for her in the kitchen .
22 This is what I had set out for last week . ’
23 Trent had wanted out for so long — out of the secrecy and isolation .
24 Thankfully , he had gone out for about an hour .
25 He went quickly downstairs and left a note for his mother saying that he could n't sleep and had gone out for an early morning bike ride .
26 As requested by Mrs Johnson of the Committee for the Preservation of Morals , she drove out to the library , with the intention of asking the chief librarian for information about Ben MacLean , but when she arrived he had gone out for morning coffee .
27 She had worn it twice , once when she had gone out for dinner with her father and Leo and on the night of Sylvie 's return from Italy .
28 He had gone out for air while Mary reverted to her servant role , but an impulse had taken him much further than he anticipated and now that he was on the shoreline he knew that he had followed an instinct which was directing him to resolve this business with Mary .
29 It was dusk , and the evening was as still and airless as the previous one when , impatient for news , Zen had gone out for a stroll .
30 She assumed he had gone out for a reason but became worried and phoned a friend .
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