Example sentences of "had [adv] [to-vb] from " in BNC.

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1 Service attitudes — even in the RAF , which had most to gain from the Sandys Reformation — were bitterly hostile .
2 The two men 's inability to make common cause illustrated one of the main reasons why the government had less to fear from oppositionists than the radical manifestos of 1861 – 2 appeared to suggest .
3 The decline of McCarthyism , moreover , meant that they had less to fear from the American right .
4 In September 1915 , the UDC refused to accept their affiliation on the grounds that the UDC had less to gain from any activity the Fellowship might undertake on its behalf than it had to lose from being associated with the doctrine of non-resistance .
5 Depending on Austrian cooperation was unwise , however , for Austria had more to lose from the Ottoman Empire 's collapse than any of the Great Powers .
6 Anselm was to learn too late that a landowner had more to fear from grasping tenants beneath him than from the king above .
7 So while merchant prosperity was the reverse side of warrior impoverishment , the vested interests of merchants in the Bakufu- han structure meant that they had more to fear from change than from continuation of the system .
8 Sartorially , he had still to progress from desert boots to Kickers .
9 I was certainly not ill , although I had yet to recover from the effects of the operation and was far weaker than I had been BC , but I was well .
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