Example sentences of "had [adv] [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Instead he had relentlessly bombarded her with the same questions .
2 And there was the idea of her submitting to a search and medical check by prison guards after she had relentlessly promoted herself and her Helmsley Palace Hotel in the last decade as ‘ The Palace Where The Queen Stands Guard . ’
3 Bernard , appreciative that Laura in New York would be treated as a queen of design , an extraordinary superwoman who had singlehandedly achieved it all , accordingly decided not to go on this trip .
4 She had badly wanted him to kiss her , of course — so badly that she knew it simply must not happen …
5 The news of his impending death had badly ruffled his composure .
6 True , I had the somewhat grisly T-shirt and track-suit bottoms which had gamely seen me through a two-hour run-through , but they were in a state and could probably have walked unaided to the BBC on their own .
7 All were trapped in something inhuman , into which they had dumbly delivered themselves .
8 Apparently , because my employment had officially been terminated by me , I had arguably made myself voluntarily unemployed and was therefore entitled to benefit money only after a certain period .
9 Mr Clarke , however , had since said nothing had changed .
10 He had since heard nothing from Mr Rowland .
11 The other irritant was the discovery by hundreds of English-speaking Quebeckers , who had courageously chosen to send their children to schools where the teaching is in French , that they had thereby deprived their grandchildren of the right to be taught in English if they wished .
12 Newman , a decision in which the misappropriation theory was adopted by the Second Circuit for the first time , the court held that Newman had stolen information from his employer and had thereby breached his fiduciary duties to his employer and his employer 's clients .
13 Kirkman Finlay who was represented by an advocate at the district meeting complained that his opponent had been guilty of bribery and corruption and had thereby disqualified himself .
14 Equally , in the case of John Main at Inverkeithing , he and his two fellow excisemen were threatened with the board 's displeasure in 1752 , when the collector of Bo'ness accepted , without any enquiry into the facts , an allegation that they had been guilty of excessive drinking and had thereby neglected their duties .
15 She thought she could in the end be legitimized , be more than just the girl who had married the first man who came along in order to get away from home : daughter of a mother who 'd shacked up with her own mother 's boyfriend at that own mother 's unconscious behest — and had thereby had her life negated forever .
16 The President accepted the law , but under protest , delighted that the Assembly had thereby provided him with a weapon which could be turned against them when the need arose .
17 Peter Burridge had captained Millwall to a 4th Division promotion in 1962 and had thereby brought himself very much to the attention of Palace 's astute managerial team of Arthur Rowe and Dick Graham , both as an inspirational skipper and as a regular scorer of important goals .
18 So he had thankfully devoured his second breakfast , simply pleased that his father was being so attentive to him and not connecting this in any way with his own outburst of the night before .
19 I could see , again , how striking she must once have been , when her primly drawn-back grey hair had presumably matched her eyes , ‘ with all that 's fair of black and bright ’ .
20 Many of his friends had laughingly warned him that he now had ‘ double trouble ’ .
21 But 15 weeks ago , a 17 year old trainee monk walked into Brixton Police Station and claimed Bishop Peter had indecently assaulted him .
22 He was recognised by a youth who identified Dennis , 31 , as the man who had indecently assaulted his sister , it was alleged .
23 Now that Amy 's predicament had paradoxically stimulated her own instincts — be they maternal or merely sexual — would she be able to re-awaken James 's interest ?
24 She had sarcastically asked him if he 'd tracked Ryan down in order to make him pay it back , and he 'd said yes .
25 I remembered that I had promised to see her about some poems she had written and had nervously asked me to read .
26 We were adjusting the seasoning in a salmon terrine , and had nervously added what we thought to be the appropriate amount .
27 She was going to swim in the lake , alone , because both Nick and her father had expressly forbidden it .
28 But there were still a great many bodies to come in , the Army Medical Corps man had grimly told her .
29 A name for the monk had instinctively formed itself in her mind .
30 Hitherto , the Greeks had instinctively interpreted their experience through their myths and so given it " the stamp of the eternal " .
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