Example sentences of "had [pers pn] been on " in BNC.

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1 It may be that Britain has overemphasised the potential benefits of free trade ; that she has actually benefited from the protectionist philosophy which permeates the EEC ; that being a member of a cohesive new power bloc is what has counted ; that the ‘ fight ’ with the Americans over agricultural matters is a case in point ; that had she been on her own , Britain would have been trampled over by her cousins on the other side of the Atlantic .
2 Had they been on deposit in US domestic banks , then naturally such a course of action would be open to them .
3 Had he been on his own , Harry thought as he drove out of Melton Mowbray market town towards Saxby , he would have taken Mrs Appleby with him to Maythorpe House .
4 Even Dalziel , who was facing him , had not noticed his arrival , so intent had he been on catching Marcus 's words .
5 The crucial question was : where had he been on the eleventh ?
6 Had he been on the Cardinal 's business or lying in ambush for Irvine ?
7 That it was a Saturday morning had made his presence possible — he would not have accepted the invitation had it been on some date in the week — and carriages had already piled behind one another in the main street ; evidently it was to be a large party .
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