Example sentences of "had [be] [adj] from " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Many … had a complete ban and had been no-smoking from the start because they perceived that smoking did not fit in with their ethos — Boots , for example , or the Body Shop . ’
2 In Leeds Private Hospital Ltd v Parkin [ 1992 ] 453 IRLIB 3 , the Employment Appeal Tribunal upheld an industrial tribunal decision that a man with a known disability who had been absent from work for four days , as had the pregnant employee in this case , would not have been dismissed .
3 In 1963 , Butler and Stokes began a series of surveys which set a new pattern , and a new standard , for the study of voting behaviour in Britain : their sample was large , nation-wide , and was interviewed several times between 1963 and 1970 ; and the authors were concerned to apply a rigour that had been absent from most of the earlier single constituency studies of electoral choice .
4 The two surveys indicated that 33% ( June ) and 30% ( November ) of pupils had been absent from school at least once in the survey .
5 Our findings showed that about one in three pupils had been absent from school at least once during the survey weeks .
6 It supported Thames Television 's decision to screen the programme , which gave viewers a much fuller appreciation of the shootings than had been possible from government statements and MoD briefings .
7 The project had been wrong-footed from the outset .
8 The visitors from Guatemala and from the Windward Islands had been helpful from LAC point of view creating a better gender balance in the programme .
9 Mary-Claude 's pregnancy had been troublesome from the start , even without the stress of a month 's separation and having to cope by herself with the move back from Cyprus , and Coleman was exhausted from a gruelling month of detailed debriefings by a stream of DIA officers and analysts at an assortment of Ramada Inns in the Baltimore/Washington area .
10 His grandfather had been a British general in the Indian Army but Robert had been fatherless from the age of seven when his father was attacked by a gang of hooligans in Fleet Street , London , and died shortly afterwards .
11 Although FDI had been substantial from the beginning of the twentieth century , it really took off in the 1950s , as a result of the flow of funds from the United States into Europe aher the Second World War .
12 It had been distinct from the others .
13 It had been hopeless from the start .
14 I took refuge , therefore , in my customary routines sketching a few brief memoranda for Monday morning , removing the paper clips strewn about my otherwise tidy desk , checking that the main office windows were all shut , even although the Security staff would be along later , and that was strictly speaking their job , and that all the typewriters had been unplugged from the wall sockets .
15 When this truth , which had been apparent from early morning , was finally recognized by Jean-Luc Roussel and Charles was released , it was about five o'clock .
16 By closing down Polish educational institutions ( notably the university at Vil'na and the lycée at Krzemieniec ) , by suppressing the Uniate Church ( in 1839 ) , by abolishing Magdeburg Law in Kiev ( in 1835 ) and the Lithuanian Statute throughout the region ( in 1840 ) , by promoting the publication of history books which argued that the western provinces had been Russian from time immemorial , by depriving many Poles of noble status , by promoting the interests of their Ukrainian and Belorussian serfs , and by insisting that local administration be conducted in Russian , he sought to make clear what he meant by allowing " Nationality " , narodnost' , to be attached to " Orthodoxy " and " Autocracy " in the celebrated circular of 1833 .
17 Commentators suggested that Hezbollah had been immune from the disarming process because of its close connections with the Iranian government , which itself had close , but increasingly tense , relations with Syria .
18 Martha had been far from well for some time and was in need of another operation .
19 The work had been far from her thoughts all evening .
20 It had been far from the capital week he had come to expect from Cowes , what with Willie winning everything in sight , having to make diplomatic speeches to his own nephew about how jolly it was to lose to him , and then just as he got time to drown his sorrows at the Yacht Club he had to come to Broadstairs .
21 He had no wish to confess that he had visited Madame Mantela , a lady palmist in Margate , in order to discover what his future might hold , the results of which had been far from reassuring .
22 That look had been far from cold , and her insides had melted .
23 The previous one , 1975 , had been very good , especially the latter part , but that one , the summer of Hilbert 's death and of Ecalpemos , had been glorious from April till September .
24 Bronwen explained that her son had been difficult from day one , crying most of the day and night , demanding constant attention .
25 It had been clear from the start that the spinster had taken an instant dislike to both Ashi and her daughter .
26 It had been clear from the conversation that it was n't something that concerned the gallery , but her personally .
27 It may be that other disaffected Anglian elements also gave assistance and it would be surprising if no help had been forthcoming from the men of Powys , who can not have been unaffected by Aethelfrith 's victory at Chester and the recent warfare between the northern Angles and the king of Gwynedd .
28 I can put a point rather more crudely than the Lord put it , but I realise that the present Government find it inconceivable , one day they will be in opposition , but I do wonder if they would have shown quite the same enthusiasm for this solution if it had been forthcoming from a Labour Government .
29 He wore a formal suit and had the pressured air of someone who had been side-tracked from an important engagement .
30 She had been lonely from the start of her marriage , despite the presence of a small army of black servants in the Queen Anne plantation house overlooking the James River , and several years had passed before she understood fully that her husband had used his frequent absences , at first on plantation business , then in Washington , to conceal an almost total lack of physical interest in her .
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