Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Myeloski , still unsteady on his feet from the effects of the flight , had weakly harangued a local taxi-driver into driving them to the police station .
2 At one point , it seemed the Middlesbrough game might not go ahead because fire had badly damaged a stand and shotgun cartridges were found buried in the pitch .
3 The evangelist had managed to obtain an affidavit from one of the three Danes responsible for the publication of LRSB but who had since become a Christian , stating that ‘ Mao money ’ had financed the publication of the book in Denmark .
4 But now , rather like recording afresh over the existing programme on an audio or visual cassette , Sylvia had superimposed a successful situation and had thereby made a significant change in the data recognized by her subconscious .
5 Lord Denning M.R. circumvented section 441(3) by finding that the judge had misconstrued the words in section 411 , had thereby made a jurisdictional error , and therefore , relying on Anisminic and Pearlman , the ‘ no appeal ’ clause was ineffective .
6 After Parliament had eventually passed a Pistols Act in 1903 , the police were persuaded in 1907 to bring a charge against the London firm of Gamages at Holborn who were advertising pistols for sale through the post .
7 The father she had always known would no longer have anything to do with her so she had eventually got a tiny room in a house in London which served as a hostel for single girls .
8 The defendants admitted the validity of the will of 30 June 1978 but contended that the deceased had duly executed a further testamentary paper being a first codicil on 18 April 1986 and counterclaimed for the pronouncement in solemn form for the codicil .
9 Souness had verbally agreed a £2.3m deal with Villa boss Ron Atkinson on Tuesday .
10 In a development connected to the election campaign it was revealed on Dec. 18 that the Justice Department had secretly appointed a special prosecutor to investigate whether senior White House officials had been involved in a search of Clinton 's passport records .
11 I had secretly harboured a vague desire to be a subject ( Vague desire ? !
12 At Southwark in 1705 , the women took exception to the candidacy of a local Tory JP , a bachelor and renowned misogynist , who had once said " that he had rather see a Sow and Pigs , than a Woman and her Children " .
13 Throughout his travels he had met and been impressed by fellow globetrotters from China , and had slowly formulated a plan to create a thorough visual documentation of Chinese civilisation .
14 Iraq had successfully tested a modified Soviet Scud-B missile ( the al-Husayen ) in 1987 , effectively doubling its 300-km range , thereby placing Tel Aviv , Tehran and Damascus within range .
15 They think , perhaps , more in terms of what knowledge and skills they would hope to find in a secondary school entrant rather than of those one might expect from a child who had successfully completed a primary school course .
16 In 1974 , only 18% of the population had completed primary and 3.6% secondary schooling and 0.8% had successfully completed a university degree .
17 In 1979 , for example , of the 80,000 full-time teachers employed in further education only just over 36,000 , or about 45 per cent , were trained in that they had successfully completed a course of professional training approved by the DES .
18 Originally a three-year trained teacher , by 1976 he had successfully completed a part time B.Phil degree and subsequently had tried , unsuccessfully , to obtain the pastoral experience which he considered to be necessary in order to move up the comprehensive school hierarchy .
19 Reports on Nov. 7 , based on documents seized by UN inspectors [ see p. 38451 ] , said that Iraq had successfully detonated a " partial nuclear bomb " at al-Atheer , 100 km south of Baghdad .
20 By refusing to keep open two-way radio links , the crews had effectively ended a proper emergency service .
21 Real incomes fell by 36 per cent in January , since the government had effectively imposed a wage freeze for the month , with wage increases restricted to one-fifth of the rate of inflation in succeeding months .
22 By the middle of 1982 , the peninsula had effectively become a ‘ no-go area ’ for the PWR salesmen .
23 South of the river , Southwark had effectively become a suburb rather than an independent borough , and to the north and the east of the City walls the immigrant poor clustered together in their cottages .
24 She stopped abruptly , almost as if she had metaphorically clapped a hand over her mouth .
25 He had metaphorically shaken a large fist , impotently , at some looming energy-field , and got on with his work , his work .
26 Or else he , Preston , had inadvertently torn a hole in the fabric of the universe and the Evil had come seeping through .
27 It was a routine call on the bereaved Mrs Place who had lost her father and who might soon be a widow , who had perhaps shed a few tears , but not very many .
28 The dog , who had perhaps feared a pavement perambulation , sniffed the air too and became frisky .
29 1987 ) , it was felt that the police had wrongly considered a theft totalling £1,000 from a large company a serious arrestable offence .
30 Someone had mischievously told a boy that Brenda wanted him .
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