Example sentences of "had [adv] give [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Many responsible people had eventually given up and resigned from the Branch Committee .
2 SHe had eventually given in to a desire to seek Tammuz out , even though SHe already recognised the signs which meant he wanted to be left alone .
3 If it 's not the best skate mag on the shelf then we had better give up and take up flower pressing .
4 Although such heresies were far more common in America and in England than they were in Ulster , Ulster Protestants knew of these postures and could see that their own denominations were in formal organizational contact with other churches which did not move to sack ministers and theologians who had obviously given up the traditional beliefs affirmed at their ordinations .
5 The poor man had obviously given up hope and I could tell by his apathetic manner that he had n't much faith in this latest ploy .
6 She sensed that Edna had long given up hope of Celia herself having any children .
7 She had long given up the tussle with French and lapsed into straight English ( which Therese , damn it , was supposed to understand ) .
8 Zen had long given up trying to understand .
9 Brucie should have asked his old mucker why he had apparently given up his comedy career to become a fulltime golfer , but he seemed more interested in sticking to what appeared to be a well-prepared script .
10 Brucie should have asked his old mucker why he had apparently given up his comedy career to become a full-time golfer , but he seemed more interested in sticking to what appeared to be a well-prepared script .
11 Brucie should have asked his old mucker why he had apparently given up his comedy career to become a full-time golfer , but he seemed more interested in sticking to what appeared to be a well-prepared script .
12 For their part , the Muslims had already given up their claim to reunion with Syria as their price for participation in government under the Covenant .
13 She had already given up so much of her time to be here .
14 After all , she had not given up any of her friends for him .
15 His thick hair was greying but he had not given up on red baseball shoes , sleeveless T-shirts or what he called his ‘ cosmopolitan Lancashire accent , half scouse , half Lancashire ’ .
16 I treated myself to a night in the Ceilidh Place ; I had not given up the habit of including the dangly earrings and the flowery trousers in the rucksack .
17 The Titfords , it seemed , had not given up the Miscellaneous Repos business for good : an unmarried Scottish lady in her sixties , Jessie Grieve , was staying with them as a lodger ; what little she may have paid in rent would have been very useful , no doubt , as a means of eking out the family income .
18 Even then , Sarah had not given up on her marriage .
19 He had not given up hope of reshaping it along the lines he had already supported in the abortive Fouchet Plan .
20 She had a sneaking suspicion that she knew why the men had not given up their seats .
21 The early Earth-people had not given up on anything ; they had conquered and explored and invented and they had made a marvellous and memorable world .
22 Heaven send they had not given up on her !
23 He had not given in — nor had the Commission — as far as the text itself was concerned , but the ‘ Explanatory Note ’ interpreted the text in favour of papal authority .
24 The rack shelving , together with its load of books and ornaments , had finally given up its unequal struggle with the force of gravity .
25 The company that had previously tried to fix the pool had finally given up , so Enterprise was called in to the rescue .
26 Having prohibited party politics on the grounds that it fostered corruption , patronage and tribalism , Rawlings had finally given in to domestic and international pressure for a return to multiparty politics .
27 ‘ He had just given up smoking , ’ she said .
28 Clara had actually heard one constant church attender , caught out donating a small charitable sum to the Vicar , defend herself to Mrs Maugham by saying that she had n't really meant to give it , and that she never would have given it if it had n't been that her little boy had just given up Sunday school .
29 It seemed he had just given up and was letting her go graciously and tenderly .
30 On the other hand , Ken has been remembered and widely admired , not only by the Oxford Movement and their successors , as the noblest , most saintly and most charitable representative of the hundreds of Anglican clergy who had grown up under Puritan rule , sustained in their faith by the memory of King Charles the Martyr , ; they had come into their own at the Restoration but had later given up comfortable benefices to live in poverty , out of a scrupulous loyalty to a monarch to whose ecclesiastical ambitions they were utterly opposed .
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