Example sentences of "had [verb] in [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Acting Reporter from Strathclyde , Gordon Sloan , who had filled in for the past year , would continue to look after the cases with which he had been involved .
2 Andrew watched Virginia peck daintily at her food , remembering how Topaz had tucked in with gusto at the inn where he and Timothy had taken her .
3 They had stumbled in upon what was quite clearly nothing less than a pagan sacrifice .
4 Some of the singers knew their place in that production — almost miraculously , Gergiev had coaxed Sergei Leiferkus away from a couple of London Fiery Angels to sing Tomsky for old times ' sake — but one of Gergiev 's protégés , Gegam Gregorian , was tackling Hermann for the first time , and Maria Guleghina had flown in for Lisa .
5 Minpins from all over the forest had flown in on their birds to cheer the young hero , and all the branches and twigs of the great tree were crowded with tiny people .
6 Lee remembered when a sparrow had flown in through the window of her bedroom when she was a child .
7 He had flown in via Honolulu , but reportedly had not deigned to glance over at the still-visible wreckage of Pearl Harbor , just off the runway .
8 Ms Toynbee said Schmit had flown in from Zurich earlier that morning and was waiting to travel on another Wardair flight to Vancouver .
9 The one on the right had flown in from Finland .
10 Instead , he drove away in the , ran over a kerb , got a flat tyre and kept going — to pick up Vicky Vanderford , whom he had flown in from California .
11 Meanwhile , Chapman had flown in from his palatial home on Ibiza and was in his usual itchy , touchy , irritable pre-race state .
12 His 38th-minute effort came straight from the dream factory , which was appropriate considering he had flown in from EuroDisney only three hours before kick-off .
13 Bernadette 's tearful sister Rosie , who had flown in from Germany , said : ‘ All the relatives are giving Farrah lots of hugs and kisses .
14 He told police his attacker had broken in by levering beading from a window of his farmhouse .
15 Mr Birt said yesterday he had been ‘ enormously heartened ’ by the strong support he had received in from colleagues at the BBC .
16 He had given in about the purchase of the land , of course .
17 For the sake of a quiet life he had given in to an unreasonable request and only now did he fully realize what it meant .
18 She could not refuse him , accordingly , and did not ; but more and more it was almost as if she had given in to Mr Poole 's demands ; one man was much like another .
19 At the end of it , just before Myeloski had given in to the rough flight conditions , Duncan had come to realize how sharp the policeman was , how through his individual approach he had put together clues that most others would have missed .
20 During the short time their marriage had lasted , there had been so many times when she had given in to Julius 's forceful demands , just to keep the peace .
21 ‘ This would mean we had given in to vandalism and bad behaviour , ’ he said .
22 By now , ‘ gunman ’ Risdon had checked in with his new Smith & Wesson .22 calibre hand gun at a nearby hotel .
23 Cambridge University lecturer Carl Swann , 36 , had checked in at Amsterdam 's Schiphol airport for a flight to Manchester just before an El Al cargo plane hit a nearby block of flats .
24 When mum and I had checked in at the travel desk and given in our suit cases we were able to wander around and have something to eat until our flight was called out .
25 The one time Mayor of Arden , father of the bruised Grace ( ‘ Had it been Paddy Ashdown I would n't have minded one little bit ’ ) , had checked in at the desk and was about to carry his overnight bag up to his room when he noticed her through the glass door of an adjoining room .
26 A spokesman at the hotel said he and the other members of the team had checked in at the weekend and appeared to be none the worse for their ordeal .
27 Was there ever a time when you had to go in for more drastic measures ?
28 And then , at half past eight , we used to have to get everything ready for breakfast and have it all ready ; and then we had to go in for prayers .
29 She had been accepted for the job at Ardis & Co , looking the way she normally looked , but if to keep her job — and she had no idea at that stage whether there was a Vasey junior , or similar , at G Vasey Ltd — she had to go in for a bit of de glamorisation , then so be it .
30 And then he got so bad , that he had to go in for .
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