Example sentences of "had [verb] me [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My interests , after making a lifelong detour through the natural sciences , medicine and psychotherapy , returned to the cultural problems which had fascinated me long before , when I was a youth scarcely old enough for thinking .
2 Below , on the terrace , Marie Claire had heard me open the windows .
3 They found the picture of Jill that Sayeed had given me more than eighteen months before .
4 I was uncomfortable talking about the poems and Rory 's papers ; the bag lost on the train coming back from Lochgair at the start of the year had stayed lost , and — stuck with just the memory of the half-finished stuff that Janice had given me originally — I 'd given up on any idea I 'd ever had of trying to rescue Uncle Rory 's name from artistic oblivion , or discovering some great revelation in the texts .
5 I do n't know what the drink was — brandy or whisky — I had that much , I had it twice , so that the lads had to see me home because I was more or less drunk .
6 Later , the knowledge filtered through to me that the two ruffians — escaped prisoners like myself , without a doubt — had attacked me solely on account of my fire .
7 I was by then realizing something that had eluded me before , about the fleeing nymphs .
8 I was frightened to go back to the place that had torn me apart . ’
9 Once , when very drunk , Simon had phoned me late one night to try out a new concept , the ‘ Uzi-O-Gram ’ , which had the catchline ‘ Shoot up your girlfriend 's wedding , just for fun !
10 ‘ What happened was Chester Thompson brought them all down , because he had met me about a year prior to that and we just corresponded .
11 I would remember , against my will , the fragrance of coffee and hot bread , the energy that had possessed me so short a time ago , when I had felt supple as an eel , as powerful as a salmon , as sure and quiet and graceful as an owl .
12 He looked at me as though he had seen me somewhere before , but I passed by with a curt nod .
13 That was the time I started to get used to the place , to the screws and things like that , because some had seen me before .
14 My practical mastery had made me acutely aware of the boundaries which separate those inside the institution from those excluded from the specialist knowledge of ‘ doing the business ’ and I was more than ever aware of the suspicions which would have been aroused if I had introduced questions of an academic nature , or had distributed questionnaires .
15 I had just over forty pounds in the bank and not much prospect of raising another bean , but the silly man 's attitude had made me so angry .
16 I noticed it especially on one occasion when I was beset with problems which had made me very unhappy .
17 Mick had disturbed me more than he knew .
18 Father had told me repeatedly that as a woman my role was to surrender to a man : that submission and compliance would be the meaning of my life .
19 Nevertheless , if anyone had told me then that one day this company would be performing Shakespeare , I 'd have thought they were mad .
20 Mr. Bonanza had told me earlier that day of his intention to get the girl away that night , but unfortunately he had a stomach disorder which caused him to postpone the trip twenty-four hours .
21 When I looked at him in the darkness , I began to wonder if all of what he had told me earlier could be some trick on me , played by the spirits who had sent him .
22 Frank had accused me before of ‘ messing up ’ the relay , and had told me that the rest of the team were of the same opinion .
23 I 'd ‘ sat-in ’ for Anne Robinson on her morning radio show and the experience had winded me badly .
24 This followed the technique of the book which had helped me most in my early years — R. Grant Brown 's Half the Battle in Burmese .
25 Dorrie had helped me finally dress and my father and I went to the Church .
26 John was an old friend who in the early 1960s had helped me greatly with my struggles to persuade the powers-that-be of the necessity of making the carriage of flight recorders in major public transport aircraft mandatory .
27 pumping , yes , if I , somebody had slit me here okay , blood from my
28 And er , er , the next thing I remember was er , er being picked up by somebody off this pile of bricks and the doctor told me that it was a gas , some sort of gas has come out of it which had overpowered me like , you know .
29 ‘ If he had contacted me direct , I 'd have tried to make room for him , ’ he says .
30 I went totally mad because there was an officer there that I knew — an officer that had picked me up and everything — he had arrested me before , but had also done business with me .
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