Example sentences of "had [verb] out the " in BNC.

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1 Someone had ripped out the cables — more proof of attention to detail .
2 Then it got flooded because people had ripped out the pipes next door , which was empty too . "
3 Some twentieth-century vandal had ripped out the latticed windows of number seventeen .
4 Periodically the ship had literally sailed up on to the tug , ramming her bows against the stern , and finally the towing hawser had ripped out the capstan to which it was fastened .
5 Instead , a ‘ position de barrage ’ a well-organised defensive wall was to be erected along the ‘ Line of Resistance ’ that Pétain had traced out the night he took over command .
6 We entered the very horse show that we had to sit out the year before .
7 The great hero Sigmar first united the men of the middle Old World into the Empire , and to do so he had to drive out the Orcs and Goblins that lived there .
8 Holy Mother , she had blurted out the wrong thing already .
9 Penelope Houston had pointed out the dangers early on , in the pages of Sight and Sound :
10 Ever since Ford had pointed out the location of the sepoy magazine Harry had been unable to get it out of his mind .
11 The night before , our host had pointed out the Building
12 It was not until the cheers had subsided and Reg Pybus had pointed out the rashness of my statement that I decided instead on getting the match abandoned .
13 Mark 's compensation and pension terms would be spelt out to him by New York within the next two weeks , after they had checked out the maximum terms permissible under British law .
14 Instead of travelling with the security truck carrying the money , Morgan had checked out the area round the bank the previous day .
15 I had wrung out the Spidersuit and Y-fronts and hung them over a Bible suck thinking how He would just have to lump a bare arse on His books for one night .
16 By the time they had sorted out the confusion and given chase , the woman had made good her escape .
17 I had sorted out the flat really nicely , and had some money put away .
18 Thrifty villagers had sorted out the best for their own uses , present or future .
19 She had sorted out the reins now and Caspar had explained about just touching the horse 's flanks with her heels to spur it to a gallop .
20 Now he had sorted out the technique of using the deaf-aid , he found it wonderfully relaxing .
21 As Sir Bryan had predicted , the weather had sorted out the men from the boys and difficult pin placings had not been needed to tame the pros .
22 Now they had to work out the 24th number .
23 This was the first opportunity we had to try out the new personalisation facility with the agents ’ mailing .
24 Meanwhile Hurd , who on Oct. 4 had sketched out the idea that an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait could be followed by a Middle East peace conference involving all five permanent members of the UN Security Council , switched the emphasis of UK public policy towards a more threatening posture on Oct. 14 , asserting that Saddam Hussein 's " only choice is whether he leaves of his own free will or at the point of a gun " .
25 A dripping waterpipe had shortened out the starting motor which had been activated and started the main engine .
26 He had looked out the window of his hotel that morning , seen the rain , thought of the day that lay ahead of him and none of it any more seemed worthwhile .
27 Voters indicated a single preference and had to spell out the name of their chosen candidate , rather than mark a box .
28 Occasionally you had to spell out the name to tourists to avoid any needless confusion .
29 The Sunday newspaper articles had come out the week before last , and were still bringing in letters .
30 She still had to shake out the sofa cushions .
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