Example sentences of "had [verb] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 When they turned off the main road Uncle George had to drive at little more than walking pace , for he could n't see where the lane ended and the ditches at the sides began , for snow cloaked everything .
2 I had to wait at most a couple of minutes before Dennis opened the back door , walked across to the garage , unlocked it , swung the door up and stepped inside .
3 They had stared at each other without speaking for a moment , and then she said , ‘ She deserves a five-shilling Christmas Box . ’
4 The car had stopped at some traffic lights .
5 The boy had scoffed at this but Farag had told him to wait and see .
6 We had , we had to get there before six , when they shut , we had to go at half past five , .
7 In one corner of the tower lay the bell which had fallen at some time in the past .
8 It was not as I had expected at all because living in the kind of commune that Mary Finnigan 's house was , there was n't a lot of time for romance .
9 Mm , mm , cos of King 's Cross , had to come at all it 's awful and one time you just went straight on the escalator and now you 've got to go
10 They had looked at each other , disconcerted at this apparent lack of liaison , but McLeish had been reassuring : very natural that they had n't compared notes , extremely useful that he now knew how long the car had been there .
11 It had been gentle , a sweet , surprised discovering , and they had looked at each other shyly afterwards , unable to speak .
12 The girls had looked at each other curiously and Antonia had trailed obediently after the older woman .
13 The boys around him had looked at each other .
14 However , it was clear from the Special Commissioner 's decision that he had looked at all the evidence and asked himself whether in view of that evidence it had been reasonable for the inspector to form the view he had taken .
15 Never in the entire two years she 'd known him had he inspired in her such a hopeless rage of jealousy as she 'd experienced when Guido had looked at that girl .
16 It was in fact the first time in his life that he had looked at any woman .
17 Little knots of people stood about eyeing each other with an air of wondering why they had come at all .
18 Devotional vids had hinted at such possibilities .
19 Indeed , recently a journalist from The Lady had hinted at some connection between the heroine and Lily .
20 Evans flushed and looked far more embarrassed than he had done at any stage so far .
21 But a different system had prevailed at Wyvis Hall , or rather no system had prevailed at all .
22 Critics of the Vienna conference , notably the Tehran-based Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq ( SAIRI ) , had said at that time that the conference should have been held in the region to make it more accessible for the bulk of the exiled opposition .
23 the whole place was gon na come to a halt if anybody fired a flash gun and furiously Fred grabbed the royal people and I grabbed the Finns and we started reorganising the present so they could take place under the enormous great windows that there are in and nobody had said at any time a flash gun will stop the machines .
24 His supporters were also quick to remind others of her opposition to the principle of referenda in 1975 , circulating copies of speeches she had made at that time .
25 Rachel relaxed , grateful , and gave her usual careful consideration to the matters before the meeting ; calmly ploughing through the minutiae and bureaucratic red tape of museum management , making the sort of useful contributions that she had made at any such meeting in the last twenty years .
26 For months he had been haunted by his memories of the battle of Toulouse ; reliving the bowel-loosening terror he had felt at that last conflict of the last war .
27 Fujimori had promised at that time that he would wipe out Sendero by the end of his mandate in 1995 .
28 ’ Louise and Ben had smiled at each other and Zoe had felt excluded .
29 He had smiled at that .
30 I started to dig in one corner of it , and I dug for six months , winter months , erm and erm managed a shallow pool which erm was n't what I had envisaged at all , but erm two snipe lived there and liked it .
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