Example sentences of "had [verb] [pers pn] so " in BNC.

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1 I said that was n't the point , that Frank had lost his mind a little because Mazzin and the others in the past had treated him so badly .
2 Linda Darnell despised him because he had treated her so badly when making Fallen Angel and Forever Amber .
3 Lydia woke early the following morning and went out to wash in the stream , feeling it was brave and somewhat magnanimous of her after it had treated her so ill on the previous night .
4 Gary , the hospital porter who 'd helped her out and whose friends had treated her so strangely .
5 It seemed unworthy to snatch her face away and glare when he had treated her so well .
6 It was so absorbed in its feast that it ignored the soft approach of the man who had treated it so kindly , and could do no more than scratch and struggle as it was grasped by the neck , and lifted from the ground , its belly exposed to the flashing steel blade of a fish knife .
7 He brushed at the cover , sorry that he had treated it so roughly .
8 He wondered a little at what the unknown papa who had taught her so well was like , if this was the kind of game he had favoured .
9 ‘ Yes — from Italy , ’ Rosemary replied , and Leith could clearly hear a smile in her friend 's voice as though it had cheered her so much to hear Travis .
10 But this time it had a note of desperation which rendered it almost novel even to those who had heard it so often .
11 Maybe he had heard it so many times . ’
12 She had aroused him so much that he wanted to take her here and now , on the ground .
13 The totally unexpected mention of the Foundling Hospital , coming on top of the shock of seeing James , had shaken her so much she scarcely knew how to complete the rest of her tasks .
14 She told him about the notes , the broken glass and spilled wine that had shaken her so much at the time .
15 On one of his recent trips they had frightened him so much that he dropped his food and had to watch helplessly while they devoured every last scrap of it .
16 Neither then , nor later : Carrie never mentioned Druid 's Bottom after that day , not to him , nor to their mother , and because she had frightened him so badly , crying like that , neither did he .
17 He had given her so many things , beautiful things , little surprising things when he came back from trips .
18 The Queen commending his work , not only for the pains therein taken , said that nothing had given her so great delectation .
19 Guy had given her so much …
20 Our Spanish friend Juan , who had given us so much time , had to work next day , so we needed a replacement to help tackle the bureaucratic process of preparing the body for despatch to Britain .
21 She had never really forgotten any of it , of course , how could she forget something that had consumed her so completely , even if it had lasted such a short time ?
22 It was not the intimate physical contact with her cousin which upset her , but the fact that subconsciously she felt so very guilty because she had enjoyed it so much .
23 It seemed inconceivable that the man who had teased her so unforgivably in the morning had been so filled with compassionate understanding later in the same day .
24 She had n't even had the nerve to glare at Mitch when he had eyed her so appreciatively .
25 He suspected that perhaps McAllister , always so gallant in facing life , as he had now seen on several occasions , had tried to suppress , to crush down the awful memory of what had been done to her , had refused to give way to grief , to shed healing tears , until in his arms something had reminded her so strongly of what had passed and broken the barriers her will had erected .
26 Some gentlemen dressed in grey whom I took to be equerries had organized us so that the royal party had two corridors , flanked by people , to walk down .
27 I would remember , against my will , the fragrance of coffee and hot bread , the energy that had possessed me so short a time ago , when I had felt supple as an eel , as powerful as a salmon , as sure and quiet and graceful as an owl .
28 The van loaded with newspapers appeared in the gates , its sinister gleaming look telling everyone to hate it ; the pickets surged forward , shouting ; and there was Jasper , as she had seen him so often , his pale face distorted with a look of abstracted and dedicated hate , his reddish crop of gleaming hair .
29 Told him only Moira F. had seen it so far .
30 Not that she had seen it so at the time .
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