Example sentences of "his way [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In America Larkin lost his way while the situation in Ireland deteriorated .
2 Each was capable in his way but no overall strategy for 1915 was devised between them .
3 Typical of Geoff 's talent was the opening goal he scored to set us on the way to a Wembley victory over Everton in the Zenith Data Systems Cup Final in April 1991 , cleaving his way though The Toffees ' defence to head home from a corner and , perhaps partly because of Palace 's and Geoff 's success at Wembley , he was awarded his first full International cap when England travelled to Turkey for the European Nations Championship tie on May Day 1991 .
4 A seat on the powerful Appropriations Committee was coming his way and an office in the just-built Longworth Building across from the Capitol awaited him .
5 ’ Steuart 's voice diminished as the mass of people blocked his way and the coach forged ahead .
6 Despite all the irrefutable objections to his plan , Haig astonishingly got his way and the Third Battle of Ypres ( commonly known as Passchendaele ) was reluctantly sanctioned by his political masters .
7 Seek the Lord while he may be found , call upon him while he is near , let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man is thoughts and let them return to the Lord , for what 's gon na happen , for he will of compassion on him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon those words were very quoted from Acts , chapter sixteen , when that Philippine jailer said Lord what must I do , sir what must I do to be saved and there Paul timac believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved this is God 's way by repentance in faith that 's presented in Jesus , he is the only saviour , not your works , not my works , not our good deeds , not our religious observances , he is the only saviour , did he not say himself I am the way the truth and the life , nobody comes to the father but by me .
8 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts , and let him return to the Lord and he will have compassion on him .
9 Erm it seems to me erm that there 's a danger that if Professor Lock has his way when the elephant comes crashing through into the clearing he will be sending Richonds Richmondshire 's sheep flying in all directions and er will be er affecting lots of other other agricultural creatures at the same time .
10 The 32-year-old helped Sheffield stay in big time soccer but Dave Bassett would n't stand in his way if a move back South came up .
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