Example sentences of "his [noun sg] so [that] " in BNC.

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1 And , warm with dancing , he pulled off his jewelled hat , so that the brown hair fell free , and opened the close-pearled band of his doublet so that his throat might be bared to the air .
2 By December that year , James II had lost almost all his support so that he was forced to flee the country when William of Orange landed with his forces at Torbay .
3 A huge lump of misery welled up into his throat and he stiffened his jaw so that he would n't disgrace himself by crying .
4 He had also developed such affection for his owner , and had become so possessive of her , that if he saw her stroking another horse , he would roar with rage and throw himself sideways against the nearest fence , cutting and scraping his skin so that it bled .
5 Two decades later , after the clearer recognition of the distinction between insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus , Neel modified his hypothesis so that it related specifically to non-insulin dependent diabetes .
6 Where he does so the court associate must , at the conclusion of the trial , record that opinion in his certificate so that an appropriate reduction may be considered ( Ord 35 , r 10A ) .
7 Craig ran his hand through his hair so that it sprung into small curls giving him a rakish appearance .
8 He gave the impression of vulnerability by sitting with his chin on his chest so that he had no alternative but to look up through his eyebrows .
9 As Rune laughed at her discomfort she was filled with a sudden urge to fling herself at him : wipe the laughter from his face , annihilate the sudden disarming dimples which had appeared beneath his lean cheeks , seal his mouth so that the corners could n't turn so distractingly upwards at her expense .
10 He used his fingers and the stick , he scuffled food into his mouth from the pan which he held close by his mouth so that any pieces that fell from his fingers or lips would go back into the container , not onto the ground .
11 For two or three days after each beating , I was called to his study so that he could see I was healing properly .
12 The mosaic occupied much of his consciousness so that he was only dimly aware — out of the corner of his eye , and mind 's eye — of Meh'Lindi , a flexible ebon statue of herself , yet still with an ivory face .
13 THERE has been much comment in Blackpool about the way John Smith claps his hands , elbows out from his side so that his arms form a bar across his chest , hands thundering into each other with short , sharp smacks .
14 The Gaijin who were with Sipotai had melted away from his side so that he was left alone in the middle of an escort of Merkuts .
15 He sat down next to her and the sofa dipped under his weight so that it was an effort to keep her body erect .
16 He shifted his weight so that his body brushed lightly against hers .
17 Nicolo shifted his weight so that he lay above her .
18 One reaches over my shoulder and cranes his neck so that he can look at himself in the mirror .
19 The wait in the ironmonger 's and the noises of cars and motor bikes turning and revving in the street worsened the pressure at the back of his neck so that as he finally got the machine into his van and thought of the relief of reaching home and doing the mowing , black tadpoles shot across his vision , zigzagging through all dimensions .
20 But the training that had been such a part of his life , the long hours of studying the Twelve Books of Honour for entry into the Fiana at the age of eleven ; the days and the weeks spent schooling his mind so that all situations could be calmly appraised , came to his aid and , at length , exhausted and drained , Fergus began to look about him and assess this strange , out-of-the-world fortress .
21 The owner of Peggotty 's Bakery and Cafe , Mr John Sowerby , arranged for other people who work with food to meet at his cafe so that to make the day cost-effective .
22 Sorvino hitched around in his seat so that he could follow .
23 Lexandro imagined his whole skeleton being presented to his enemy so that execrations could be carved upon Lexandro 's bones , anathemas and runes of excommunication whereby his spirit would writhe forever — if a spirit there be — eternally separated from Rogal Dorn …
24 Now he knew that it had been a diversion , designed to hold his gaze so that he would be disadvantaged in his dealings with her .
25 A number of Gnostic themes also entered his theology so that his reputation suffered .
26 ‘ Well , we ai n't letting 'er go , that 's for sure , ’ Forest told him , releasing his hold so that she crumpled to the floor .
27 His mind had become detached from his body so that he was watching himself .
28 He held his automatic out sideways , away from his body so that they could not aim in on its flash , and fired two shots at the left-hand headlight of the Dodge .
29 He clambered up and intercepted her at the kitchen door , enfolding her and drawing her in to his body so that his warmth flowed through to her , just as he had that day when he 'd found her on the beach , lost and afraid ; like him , a victim of the past .
30 The Khan 's gaze started at his feet and travelled slowly up his body so that by the time their eyes met the Khan was leaning back and holding on to his knees to stop himself falling over .
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