Example sentences of "his [noun sg] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 's already lost the sight of his left eye because cocaine starved the retina of blood , and he 's damn lucky not to be totally blind , or even dead , because the next time it could constrict the arteries of his heart or block the blood from reaching his brain .
2 If he is asked to count the buttons on his shirt or see how many colours are in the pattern of his sweater , then a look in the mirror might help with this too .
3 Cross-examined by Herbert Kerrigan , QC , Mr Taylor denied making up his story or leaving his former job because of ill-feeling with the accused .
4 Ken wanted to rake David to this thing on his own and David , being very , very cold — he hates demonstrations of emotion — and me being very Mediterranean , I told him that as far as I was concerned , I did n't give a fuck about his award or seeing him receive it , but I thought it was a bit much that his mother could n't be there because it was a public occasion and it was a time when , without having to speak to her , he could be nice to her , as every mother loves to be there for that kind of thing .
5 By contrast , general purposive browsing describes the academic researcher who indulges in a similar activity of looking over books but with a serious purpose in mind , such as keeping up to date in his field or looking for new ideas .
6 But Simon had been really nice to her , not losing his patience or making excuses to escape .
7 DeFreitas needed treatment before play started , but the injury did n't affect his bowling or catching .
8 DeFreitas needed treatment before play started , but the injury did n't affect his bowling or catching .
9 Such agreement would not be fully enforceable : the court will not compel a partner to remain in the firm against his will , but an unwilling partner would have to choose between honouring his contract or laying himself open to an action for damages for breach of contract .
10 If , instead of persuading B to break his contract or causing him to do so by direct unlawful action against him , A brings about the breach of the contract between B and C by operating through a third party , X , A may still be liable to C , provided unlawful means are used .
11 Did you ask him if he 'd te , told his mum or did he just volunteer it ?
12 Evidently there was a market not far away , for there were plenty of housewives with shopping bags bulging with fresh vegetables and fruit , while here and there a businessman hurried through the crowd clutching his briefcase or sat scanning a newspaper over his coffee or cognac .
13 People should love God and " bisily seken and travailen how be reformed to his liknes or passed hennus " ( 14.77r. – 216 ) .
14 The tall , lanky merchant was nervous and ill at ease , his hand constantly fluttering to his mouth or patting his greasy hair .
15 He talked with them in his study or took them for walks in the park .
16 He is often seen around Hollywood , driving his jeep or eating meals poolside at swanky hotels .
17 This meant that when a traveller came upon a stretch of road made impassable by ruts , holes or waterlogging , he simply led his horse or walked off the highway and into the flanking fields .
18 For example , in 1983 it was said that ‘ even where the husband had been violent , it would be reasonable for the wife to continue to reside in the matrimonial home but to seek a court order restraining his violence or barring him from the home ’ and in these circumstances the authority 's duty would be ‘ to advise the applicant so to do , not to accommodate her as a homeless person ’ .
19 He will actually be able to hear any noises which may occur — a telephone ringing or the traffic in the road outside — but those noises are unlikely to impinge on his consciousness or to interrupt his train of thought .
20 Doth not the good father in short time , either by his coughing or spitting or testiness … become troublesome either to his own son or to his nice daughter-in-law , with continuing so long chargeable and so much waited-on , or to the children , with taking up their room at the fire or at the table , or to the servants , while his slow eating doth scant their reversions ?
21 Even so , two meagre sessions of firing practice in all that time were of little help in strengthening his nerve or stoking up his fighting spirit .
22 To get out of bed , for instance , the patient is turned onto his side or lifted and then brought into the sitting position on the side of the bed .
23 Be firm , and tell him that he must either pull his weight or leave .
24 She adored the game so much , Luke only had to shift his weight or touch her mouth to get her to do what he wanted , and she was so competitive she would bump anyone , at first even riding off ponies on her own side .
25 This is simply saying that each market participant , in laying his buying or selling plans , must pay careful heed not only to the prospective decisions of those to whom he hopes to sell or from whom he hopes to buy — as an implication of the latter — also to the prospective decisions of others whose decisions to sell or to buy may compete with his own .
26 The TB20 is a handsome modern aircraft that can be aviated without requiring the pilot get dirty , strain his neck or feel he 's driving a museum piece .
27 Anthony Tory , who misses the ride on Docklands Express , is believed to have pulled a muscle in the back of his neck or to have displaced some vertebrae .
28 If the traveller looks out of his car or train window or takes a walk along his local brook and bears in mind what a river should look like , he can not fail to notice , in many places , mile upon mile of treeless river bank , often devoid of even a decent margin of bulrush .
29 erm How does one in any case fine a motorist who is n't standing by his car or sitting in it ? erm I would , if the question is shall we try it , if that is implied , I would say it 's worth trying in a very moderate way , it may require the police and the police representatives so to speak , the wardens if they 're going to be empowered to do this kind of thing , I think it 's going to force them to become very , very diplomatic and civilized in the way they handle it , but we of course too will have to learn to respond in a civilized manner .
30 If you 've got a boy of 12 or 14 and he missed his tea or came home acting strangely you would know , ’ the woman said .
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