Example sentences of "his [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1962 , however , he began to shift his policies away from outright repression and towards a gradual reformism , summed up in the slogan , Those who are not against us are with us .
2 Ayrton Senna , Prost 's most serious contender for the title , was fourth fastest in his McLaren ahead of Michael Schumacher in a Benetton , while the luckless Berger was sixth quickest .
3 If Adam had not issued from his hiding-place early in May they would not have been discovered ; but the messages which had come from Llewelyn were grave enough to warrant a risk which by then appeared so slight .
4 Man , on the other hand , who within this particular characterization of the nature — culture dichotomy is deemed to lack such natural and visible creative functions , is obliged , or at least has the opportunity , ( to use the words of Ortner ) to assert his creativity externally through the medium of technology , ritual and symbol .
5 Filaret owed his eminence less to his holy office than to his son 's willingness to treat him as a co-ruler .
6 John , one of the PPLs at our flying club , had made a beautiful job of building his little Jodel and I had followed his progress closely over the several years it had taken him to complete it .
7 It is commonplace in Sweden , for example , that the annual declarations of personal income and of wealth made by all citizens become publicly available documents once they are received by the tax authorities ; a man can conceal his income neither from his wife nor from his neighbour .
8 Section 743(4) provides that where an individual has been charged to income tax on any income deemed to be his by virtue of s739 and that income is subsequently received by him , it shall be deemed not to form part of his income again for the purposes of the income tax acts .
9 Section 743(4) provides , specifically , for relief from double taxation : Where an individual has been charged to income tax on any income deemed to be his by virtue of section 739 and that income is subsequently received by him , it shall be deemed not to form part of his income again for the purposes of the Income Tax Acts .
10 of his income away in income tax , national insurance contributions , and VAT .
11 He announced his credo unashamedly in his first editorial : ‘ We believe we are filling a publishing need only slightly less important than the one just taken care of by the Kinsey Report . ’
12 Until the crash , Comdisco 's chairman , Ken Pontikes , had every reason to believe he could serve his shareholders well by putting some of his company 's wealth into risk arbitrage .
13 Man 's part is simply to prepare his heart continually by ridding his will of foreign attachments , his reason of anxieties , and his memory of idle or absorbing business — even though that business appear to be so very necessary .
14 He shivered , looking out across the blackness of the lake , his heart suddenly in his throat .
15 ‘ A boy … ’ he said , his heart still with the wallpaper-stripper .
16 Break his heart now by saying the school 's too expensive ?
17 Interspersed with his translation of the books of the Old Testament , which was never completed , were polemical works ; for in light of the reception of his New Testament he felt no need to restrain his views either on the English clergy or on the Roman Catholic Church .
18 Simultaneously MacArthur expressed his views publicly in an interview with the British correspondent , G. Ward Price , which appeared in the Daily Mail on 2 March .
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20 Tait stroked his beard again with long , elegant fingers , appraising her with colourless eyes .
21 This , together with a gremlin who mischievously deflected his fingers away from the right notes — often at crucial if surprisingly undemanding points in the musical argument — added piquant harmonies and dissonances undreamed of by his composers .
22 He looked at the handle of the punch he held , fitting his fingers wonderingly into the shape another hand had worn in it , a good hand , muscular and slender , shaped very much like his own .
23 Harry ran and caught him by the arm , clenching his fingers desperately into the folds of the wide velvet sleeve .
24 Like Alexei , he had nails on the ends of his fingers instead of talons , and he stared at Alexei 's hands as he gave him a filled cup , then raised his eyes and bowed solemnly .
25 The man did not respond for a while , but pressed his fingers firmly into his eye sockets .
26 Fairham swallowed hard and began drumming his fingers distractedly on his knees .
27 Venner grinned amiably around whilst Clinton , as cool as ever , drummed his fingers soundlessly on the table top .
28 His reply was to trail his fingers caressingly along her bare forearm , raising the hairs on her skin and her temperature .
29 She trembled beneath his touch , feeling the warmth of his fingers even through the material of her dress .
30 The driver sat drumming his fingers nervously on the steering wheel while the attendant busied himself filling the tank , checking the oil and radiator , and wiping the windscreen .
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