Example sentences of "his [noun] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 There must have been rumours of the dastardly deed at the hall as early as 1578 , for it was in that year that Sir Henry Knyvett ( another of Darrel 's antagonists ) wrote a letter to Sir John at Longleat , asking him to search out Mr Bonham and to enquire how many children his sister had and what had become of them .
2 Very softly he sang his song again , and his hope grew and grew .
3 Whatever meaning this image had had in Charlemagne 's day , Walahfrid invited his contemporaries to compare and contrast the miserly , heretical , tyrannous Theodoric with the generous , orthodox and merciful Louis .
4 And new Manager , Denis Smith , must have exploded at the way his defenders dillied and dallied and never got to the ball on time .
5 His heart lurched and he splashed his goblet full to the brim with dark red claret .
6 When his heart brimmed and overflowed , he told her he was in love with her .
7 He heard vespers sung in the deep dusk from his father 's church , and his heart stilled and quietened in him with wonder , as though at last he felt himself to be drawing near to the heart of a mystery .
8 His heart leaped and his knees trembled with relief when he heard the unmistakable sound of her footsteps rounding the corner at the other side of the cinema building .
9 His heart contracted and the thought struck him that this domestic scene encompassed all he could ever want of life .
10 His heart thudded and he realized that he had begun to breathe faster , with excitement .
11 He ran until his heart stopped and he fell dead . ’
12 It was , after all , a wonderful sensation creeping through her in response to his lips , and she found herself drifting into co-operation with him , holding his perfect body against her , feeling his heart beat and knowing that they fitted together in a most satisfactory way .
13 The first jog round the block got his heart racing and gave him an appetite .
14 She felt a hand resting lightly on her shoulder and she turned to look at Craig , almost unrecognizable now with his beard grown and his moustache thick and dark above his mouth .
15 Gide was , at least at that time , the sexual tourist of which Said and others have written , his opportunity to come and go enhanced by what is aptly if euphemistically called independent means .
16 His fingers jabbed and sketched as he explained the details .
17 And he had bitten his nails so that his fingers hurt and ran with blood .
18 She was ashamed of the swollen evidence his fingers sought and found , but there was nothing she could do to wrench herself free .
19 Then his fingers unfolded and he crossed himself reverently and ducked his head .
20 Roman put the milk jug in front of her , his fingers slipped and the milk spilt all over the table .
21 Bill frequently got his fingers burnt and even now he wonders if his servicing procedure was strictly legal , but at least the navigator was happy .
22 ‘ He was such a good singer as well , and his guitar playing and his songwriting style went together perfectly .
23 Noel Redding has pointed out that what hit home to people about Jimi Hendrix , apart from his guitar playing and in many instances more so , was his extraordinary voice .
24 TV replays showed that Saunders went in with his foot raised and came down on Elliott 's leg as they both steamed into a full-blooded 50-50 clash .
25 Half way through his super-human effort his foot slipped and in mid-launch he came down in an uncoordinated heap just outside the throwing circle .
26 His foot slipped and he grasped at a piece of jutting tile and dragged himself back to safety .
27 Tim leaned over to have a good look at him , but his foot slipped and he fell in .
28 I explained all that to you and Judd when his guardian wrote and asked me if I 'd have him here .
29 Gatsby uses his money to try and attract Daisy , whom he was in love with as a young man , although she later married someone else .
30 Although Nourse LJ does not categorically state what the law is in this situation , his decision indicates and points towards the view that the defendants may be able to escape the restrictions of the sale agreement where it would be inequitable to allow the plaintiff to rely on the strict wording .
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