Example sentences of "they 've get go " in BNC.

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1 All they 've got to go on is that she spent a lot of time lying on the sofa , and that 's hardly unusual for a lady in her time and circumstances .
2 They 've got to go somewhere . ’
3 Now Bigwig 's put their backs up , and they 'll think they 've got to go on because he makes them .
4 So once a person becomes unconscious , remember they 've got to go to hospital because they can only get worse , right , there is n't any , enough sugar in that body to , to be able to work properly so they 'll only get worse .
5 Their skin will be very flushed and dry you 'll get deep sighing and this is the one you 'll get the smell of acetone , not always , you know the nail varnish smell , the pear drops , and then from there they 'll get , they 'll go into gradual I 've put coma there , but gradual unconsciousness treatment the same sugar , if it 's sugar they want they 'll come round almost immediately , if it 's , they 've already got too much well you have , that little bit 's not going to make them any worse , they 've got to go to hospital anyway .
6 We do n't give out medical advice , cos we 're not qualified for that , but we do sit and listen to them and they talk about different things and what they 've got to go through .
7 And I say to myself , what a long way they 've got to go .
8 Er no because if you have a hundred hundreds of these arriving on the er on the doorstep on Monday then you need to er know exactly which company they 've got to go into .
9 Er which gives them the clues as to where they 've got to go .
10 That 's right it gives the it tells them where they 've got to go .
11 Well they 've , they 've told me they 've got to go a , a tutor it 's another branch manager at a different branch .
12 And if you did n't have the expertise to know Ah well I know what 's in there , then what the hell does that person count they 've got to go and chase somebody to find out
13 John Gorman says he hopes they 're going to have a very good season … he says they have nothing to fear … they are going into the unknown but that 's a good thing … there 's a hunger in the club … they 've got to go and enjoy it
14 They 've got to go into Europe and they 'll get involved in domestic cup competition .
15 In fact the latest development is that they do n't even do that by picking up a telephone , the message is teleprinted on , onto a message pad there , and when they run in they pull off this pad , and there 's the whole text for what they 've got to do , where they 've got to go , and so on .
16 Well they came and fetched the curtains on Thursday , they 've got to go back .
17 Well they 've got to go into quarantine , and that 'll cost them wo n't he ?
18 Why do n't the one driving the week before tell the one the week after that they 've got to go in drivers ' entrance and not in bloody one !
19 they 've got to go through books .
20 They 've got to go up to check it now have n't they Dave ?
21 They 've got to go up .
22 yeah , and er , she gets them back and er they 've got to go through about twenty different processes before they 're allowed out the shop , or out the storage , cos even then , when they 're in store , they 're , they 're , some of them come back as cracked , you get ones coming back from er customers sort of thing , been and they come back and they 've got pins in them , they 've got bloody great er bits on the outside , of the outside .
23 They 've got to go this morning .
24 I 'm also concerned that if they went down School Lane , although I think it you know I understand they 've got to go to Norwood Gardens and things , that with the car park at The Plough now being blocked I mean School Lane at peak times for schools is a nightmare .
25 erm Many primary school children have no timetable and they do n't bring homework home , and when the parents ask them what they did all day at school they say ‘ Nothing ’ , and some parents , that 's all they 've got to go on , and they , they get quite worried about it .
26 Now it 's one of those unfortunate things that when people talk about maintaining standards , the only sort of , in an sense , external sort of guidance they 've got to go for are things like examination passes .
27 And so that the village benefits from the wood in some way , erm like there 's a teak plantation they 've got going at the moment , and in ten years time , the teak will be used to carry electricity , so that the village can have some electricity as well , I mean it 's to do with giving the village something as well as trying to help the environment .
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