Example sentences of "they took [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They took him to the cider ward of the local hospital and a week later he was dead .
2 They took him to their rooms and gave him a glass of vodka or slivović and teased him .
3 Thom picked up two oranges from the gutter but someone saw him and they took him to Derby Street police station and he got the sack from the police .
4 They took him to that private clinic , the one in the hills .
5 And if they took him to hospital he 'd just do the same thing again and again , until his family gave in .
6 If parents wished their son to become a Scribe they took him to Jerusalem at the age of thirteen and enrolled him in one of the Rabbinical schools .
7 They took him to John Gifford , minister of an Independent or Baptist congregation in Bedford which the Cromwellian government had installed in an Anglican church .
8 They took him to the mortuary and called me . ’
9 He asked to see the horse and they took him to the stable .
10 His hands dangled over the sides of the wheelchair as they took him to the salon to meet the Bishop .
11 they took him to a police station where they miraculously found 15g of cannabis .
12 When they took him to Florida , he was n't so bothered about Mickey Mouse .
13 They took him to Melland Street near Darlington Civic Theatre , where they stole the money he was carrying .
14 A paramedic crew from Mersey Regional Ambulance was waiting on the beach for Mr Ross and they took him to Southport and Formby District and General Hospital but he died shortly afterwards .
15 And he said I was completely confused and I could n't , he said I was trying to shout my wife and erm and , er , you know my mouth would n't work , he said , but she said fortunately she looked through the window and er found him and they took him to hospital .
16 They felt he was bored so they took him to training classes and Tricia said he 's an absolute natural .
17 They took him to a shop and
18 He 'd survived where they had eliminated some of his followers because they took him at his own estimation , a man of the cloth .
19 They took him into the house and shut the door .
20 And it surprises me that they took him into the Force , 'cos he 's made no secret of it an' you know yourself how they 're thought about . ’
21 Then they were both fearful for him and they took him into the cold scullery , where they hid him from the intruders .
22 The one they took him for in the end , she was eighty-five years old , and ailing , and he robbed her of her life-savings , and that was less than three hundred pounds .
23 They took him from his horse , and laid him tenderly on the ground ; Ranulf stood watch while they waited quietly for the man to die .
24 Merseyside police have revealed that they probably killed James a few hours after they took him from the Strand shopping centre in Bootle .
25 Then in the early morning , just before dawn , they took them into the woods and shot them .
26 In the morning , just before it was light , they took them into the woods and shot them .
27 But they took them into the castle at Montgomery , prisoners . ’
28 You know they , they ran , they took the nurses , because the nurses home was a mile or , was it a mile or a mile and a half or something from the hospital , they had this , they took them in the morning and then they took them at lunchtime and then all the different shifts coming on and off they took them , and they had the schools run as well .
29 They took them at school , all at school .
30 They took them to a school of their choice some distance away , which could not , according to Local Authority policy , accept them .
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