Example sentences of "they may not [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If they have to make a lot of noise , spend a lot of time or risk being seen while breaking into your home , they may not even bother .
2 Why do some spend years and years caring for parents they may not even like ?
3 Again , mathematicians are notoriously not all competent accountants ; physicists may not be interested in or fitted for involvement in industrial processes — they may not even be able to change a light bulb .
4 They may not even get that — the social Democrats have been stealing Green fire with a recent anti-nuke stance .
5 Apparent indifference , quiescence and apathy might be the product of subjection to power which they feel too constrained to object to , and indeed which they may not even recognize .
6 A further group of works and not even the relevant authorities know how many , except that it runs into hundreds of thousands are ‘ notified ’ ; that is , they may not even be lent , restored or sold within Italy , let alone exported , without the permission of the authorities .
7 They may not be significant — they may not even be there — but , if they are , the danger of overlooking them is not to be ignored in their effects on others also .
8 The fuzziness of the boundaries and the technical differences between the three types of cohesive device need not concern us here ; after all , they may not even operate in the same way in other languages .
9 Without expert encouragement by people who know how to handle public relations , like Charles Aught , they may not even know they want anything .
10 They may not even have a friend .
11 They may not even know of the bogs . ’
12 However they 're quick to point out that these are early days and they may not even have the right gene .
13 They may not however be equally suited to all the institutions that comprise administrative law .
14 It 's a question of giving them help in areas where they may not traditionally have had expertise .
15 Many books published in the last decade or so seem to underline the importance of ‘ anticipatory grieving ’ , with the result that relatives and friends can be forced into expressing emotion they may not yet be ready to express .
16 When trainees are allowed to begin interviewing on their own under supervision they have already been accepted as CAB trainee advice workers , but in the GLCABS structure where candidates begin by observing the interviewing process they may not yet have formally passed the selection procedure .
17 They may not then pass on your details to any third party .
18 The same constitutional medicine can be used for both palliative and curative purposes simultaneously , because deep acting remedies can be repeated frequently , without risk of aggravation , if correctly selected they may not only palliate but also cure the patient , even in apparently hopeless cases , because of the gentleness of the fifty millesimal scale .
19 So whoever handles your case must know what they are doing , otherwise they may not only cost you time and money but also any chances of ever collecting .
20 If , therefore , an old person at this stage moves a distance into the son or daughter 's home , they may not only lose a lifetime of familiar associations but they must struggle with complex adjustments within the family .
21 Probably most parents subscribe to this view , and while they may not deliberately choose particular methods of child care to bring about a specified long-term outcome , their belief in the association may well make them feel an added responsibility .
22 Sampdoria showed in the Makita Tournament at Leeds that they may not greatly miss Gianluca Vialli , sold to Juventus .
23 They may not always exhibit the wisdom of Solomon but at least they might know where to draw the line .
24 While people may be held to be responsible for an action they may not always be asked to account for it .
25 Those who had somehow violated the bond of trust , friendship , loyalty — for reasons they may not always be able to discern — could find themselves suddenly and inexplicably cast out into the cold .
26 They may not always be too keen on having to wash with it … but give them the chance to make a big splash somewhere and they will never be any happier .
27 They may not always know where to find me .
28 They may not always have turned up with what teachers would have wished , but I am sure that there has been a great acceptance of the way in which they have carried out a very difficult task .
29 Nevertheless , there are class interests involved even though they may not always conveniently reduce to one labouring class versus one capitalist class .
30 They may not always get what they want , but at least they 're standing up for them and actually feel good about themselves afterwards because .
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