Example sentences of "they did it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They did it without a guarantee , but that did n't particularly worry me .
2 I understand they did it without dogs .
3 I understand they did it without dogs .
4 ‘ Well , they do n't use altar boys for a start , and they did it between attacks . ’
5 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the reasons why we are updating Trident are basically the same reasons as caused the Labour Government to update our nuclear deterrent by bringing in Chevaline , the difference being that we are doing it openly and they did it under wraps ?
6 Only a quarter said they did it for love and just over one in six admitted it was a drunken fling .
7 And they did it for 20-year-old centre-half Darren Salton , who is still in a coma and on a life support machine after Thursday 's road crash in which Paul Telfer was also injured .
8 The kind of friends she had were loyal by definition , and they liked her , in their eyes she was a woman who could do no wrong ( she was only separated , mind , not divorced ) , they were ready to do any thing for her and when she would not let them they did it for the girl .
9 They did it for their conquerors . ’
10 And at the end of the day hardly anyone remembers the programmes they did it for . ’
11 You did n't really need to invent , they did it for you .
12 I wonder what they did it for ?
13 and then we had an accident with our car door , who we took it up to erm , up to Carnthruft there and they did it for us and it , it , it 's just disappeared as a hole in n it ?
14 They did it to me , even though I tried to run away .
15 Unfortunately they did it to , to er these terms as well , so they turned das es , the it , into id , which is Latin for it .
16 Well , they did it to me .
17 But they did it to everybody , it happened to everybody .
18 Cos they did it to me before .
19 Individuals were given the opportunity to achieve much for themselves but too often they did it at the expense of others .
20 When faced with that choice this summer , I chose to encourage people to continue to develop computerisation in primary health care rather than simply to reward directly those who did something very valuable — there is no doubt about that , or about the fact that they did it at their own risk — some years ago .
21 They did it at Derby County a year ago and turned up another at Filbert Street on Saturday .
22 They did it at Derby County a year ago and turned up another at Filbert Street on Saturday .
23 But Dave said Tesco 's ca n't do , what they did they did it at Weybridge , they said let us buy your sight you say where you wan na sight and then they and we will build what you
24 Can there be anything more telling about the deviousness of these people than his account of how they actually put on television and interviewed a man who was said to have died while in a prison cell , and that , moreover , they did it with the sole motive of demonstrating that he was alive and in good health .
25 The surprise here is that they did it with the best , very purest intentions , poor lambs .
26 They did it with such tenderness that I gained new strength from their friendship , suddenly seeing the value in continuing , if only to deepen that shared bond .
27 Cos they did it with you last year did n't they ?
28 ‘ In fact , ’ he 'd gone on , ‘ it would be most convenient if they did it on their birthdays .
29 Then Carrie jumped aside as a passing bus threw up some slush from the gutter , and as she brushed her hands down over the bottom of her coat , she said , ‘ You 'd think they did it on purpose , ’ and as he went to assist her she stayed his hands , saying , ‘ It 'll only make it worse .
30 They did it on purpose , Maman says .
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