Example sentences of "they could [prep] been " in BNC.

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1 The incidence is one in ten thousand so it 's pretty rare but untreated these children will grow up very seriously , mentally retarded , very , very poor quality of life and enormous stress on their families , when they could of been nearly normal , right so the cause is one of these essential amino acids which is powdered protein , so what 's the treatment ?
2 they 'd be all sorts of ways in which they could of kept the agented funds , erm they could of been , but it 's hard to imagine that , that
3 then you 've got your two prominent teeth , they could of been the tiger 's two teeth
4 that ducks do have eggs it 's possible they could of been there but they were n't .
5 I do n't know though I mean he , he 's , he 's allowed that , he allowed that the fact that they could of been unarmed men and all that but he also condemned three of them on the evidence of this lead which he really should n't of done , he should of left an open verdict on those few cos lead could be transferred to .
6 they could of been
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