Example sentences of "they would [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 Ask the occupants of your next home if they would please do the same thing .
2 That 's punishment , yeah , they would either do that or there was one driver down there he broke a wheel , that were n't his fault , and he had to pay for it , he had to go in the office like I did once .
3 Small wonder at the end of a week , punch-drunk wth boredom , they were vague about how many they would normally do in a specified time-period .
4 But the paradox is that if both sides were to disarm , they would both do better than by both arming , because each prefers mutual disarmament ( 3 , 3 ) to the arms race ( 2 , 2 ) .
5 Findings from the unions were a surprise to those who had glimpsed Utopia as a world where work became unnecessary : one American union polled its members and discovered that though they thought work was boring , they would rather do that than do nothing .
6 Greeks do not like big organisations ; they would rather do the job personally .
7 Even if urban foxes were dumped in rural areas , they would probably do little harm .
8 But they would slither out again , and they would probably do so quite quickly .
9 The Conservatives would not always win under the electoral system of 1918 , but they would rarely do so badly as to allow anyone else to win .
10 This is the relevance of rules ; for the courts to embrace such an issue would be for them to breach the long-standing settlement with regard to the boundaries of parliamentary privilege ( see below , pp.113–19 ) and they would not do it .
11 She looked at them indulgently , saw at once that they were nothing notable , and said to him straight away that they would not do .
12 Oh well they the North east a lot of them , if they all Oh my they would not do it nowadays .
13 They can face it , which they would n't do before .
14 At the start we asked them to approach the Union of Post Office Workers ( UPW ) to cut off the mail to Grunwick but they would n't do that either .
15 British filmmakers could come up with films that would overcome the resistance of American exhibitors to non-Hollywood products , as the $5 million grossed by The Red Shoes suggests , but they would n't do so in sufficient quantities until Rank had developed more sophisticated ideas about how to cajole the right sort of product from his writers , directors and producers .
16 They would n't do that to you .
17 They would n't do that , ’ said Collins .
18 My reason for not having done it myself and my father 's reasons for not having done it with the National Gallery is that , in the case of Yale , I 'm looking forward to the day when there 'll be other people interested in English art who will give paintings or money to the Center for British Art just because it is the Center for British Art , where they would n't do it if it was the Paul Mellon Center for British Art .
19 A lot of people say that cavers are mad , that they cause a lot of trouble getting themselves stuck , and that they would n't do it themselves for a gold onion .
20 I happen to drive a very small car er a Fiat one , two , six and you ca n't get much smaller than that and I am much more aggressive when I 'm driving that for the simple reason I think its this sort of principle although I 'm nearly six foot in that I 'm a small person and the small person mentality comes out because I get cut up continuously , they do n't do that when I 'm driving my husband 's car which is a Volvo , er they will cut in front of me , I do n't think they , if they knew what my brakes were like they would n't do it .
21 I became slightly unnerved by the frequent reassurances I was given by fundholders that they would n't do anything to ‘ upset the applecart ’ or disadvantage their colleagues ' patients .
22 So er they would n't do that in our days would they ?
23 They 'd tell you they would n't do your job , and you 'd tell them you would n't do theirs !
24 ‘ Thing is , Barbs barged in at an inconvenient moment when my brothers were moving some stuff into my place , and they came over all paranoid and looked at her very old-fashioned , and while I know they would n't do anything to her , now she 's gone missing I ca n't help wondering .
25 They would n't do it again in an 'urry . ’
26 They would n't do it , no .
27 They would n't do that .
28 They would n't do me any good with my Service I grant-you that . ’
29 Well I think so , if they did n't want to do it , they would n't do it .
30 If you did n't do that they would n't do it for you , they would n't pull them for you , would n't do anything .
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