Example sentences of "they have [been] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Native birds of region , from Caucasus and SW Asia , all belong to black-necked colchicus type , with rather dark and purplish plumage , lower back and rump mainly rufous , and no neck ring ; these were first introduced in W Europe and in Britain , where they have been present for at least 900 years , used to be known as the ‘ Old English ’ type .
2 Children put out shoes filled with hay and , if they have been good , Saint Nicholas leaves them a present .
3 Something on the 9221s — the 9730 successors , is also likely , but they have been such poor sellers that there is little interest .
4 As we shall see later , they have been one of the factors that have helped to tip the economic balance firmly against the nuclear option .
5 Quantitatively , they are by no means negligible : the 1982 census indicated some 402,000 people originated from the departements and territoires d'outre-mer ( of whom two-thirds were from the Caribbean ) and they have been one of the fastest-growing migrant groups , escaping the immigration controls on foreign nationals imposed during the 1970s and 1980s .
6 Not too much has been done in the mountains , hardly surprising given the length of time they have been dry , but Dai Lampard snatched a great ascent with Mother of Mercy E5 6a .
7 And they say I ca n't remember it just happened so quick that I ca n't remember , they have been unconscious for a , it may be just a split second , it 's affected the brain , they are concussed .
8 They have been little fires , really , quickly doused , but they have been visible enough to consume the Interest of us club golfers , ever on the alert to condemn the game 's heroes for walking on feet of clay .
9 ‘ Sometimes they have been over- social , or captain of school — or Dr Faustus in the school play .
10 As Kenneth Clark states in his classic study The Nude : ‘ [ Artists ] have found it easier to compose harmoniously the larger units of a woman 's torso ; they have been grateful for its smoother transitions , and above all they have discovered analogies with satisfying geometrical forms , the oval , the ellipsoid and the sphere ’ .
11 They say they have been innocent victims in a crime for which the law says they must also be punished .
12 They have been issuing equity instruments ( eg , convertible bonds and warrant bonds ) on the capital markets rather than going to their bank managers for costly old-fashioned loans .
13 They have been judicious in storage and , besides , many have died .
14 But most of us experience periods of low self-esteem at different times and some — particularly If they have been unhappy in their early life — seem to be permanently stuck with such a poor impression of themselves and their own worth that ‘ self-esteem ’ is to them just a word which applies to other people more fortunate than themselves .
15 I have sent many patients there and they have been delighted with the treatment and the care they have received on Merseyside .
16 They have been prominent reef-building organisms too , often in association with bryozoans .
17 Mostly they have been disappointed .
18 But if political calculations did enter the minds of the Conservatives ( Alexander 1982b:46 ) then they have been disappointed .
19 Third , it has long been known that sows farrow best in conditions similar to those they are familiar with : if they have been unconfined previously , they should be unconfined at farrowing .
20 By definition , therefore , if the Government has been using oil revenues to create jobs they have been unsuccessful .
21 Even without this problem , it should be our objective to advance negotiations , contract drafting and due diligence as far as possible with the preferred bidder before the remaining offerers realise that they have been unsuccessful .
22 As a result they have been weak in the diplomatic arena .
23 In 1983 they even considered leaving the EMS ; since then they have been obliged to keep their interest rates 2% or 3% higher than in Germany , in pursuit of a strong franc .
24 With the exception of one firm which has only males , they have been obliged to employ women on keyboards , because when they advertised for operators , no men came forward .
25 Productivity-enhancing research and development in many lesser developed countries have often been harmful , where they have been accessible to farmers of those areas .
26 With a limited budget it has been difficult to acquire top quality works by artists on the museum 's list , however they have been fortunate in being able to purchase Robert Loder 's ( Honorary Curator of Prints , Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge ) collection of 363 prints , while other works were acquired from Marlborough Fine Art .
27 The characteristic of all those areas is that for a long time they have been Labour controlled , although Conservatives have been in control in Brent for the past year and the Liberal Democrats have recently been in control in Tower Hamlets .
28 Either they have been slobby , and it has eventually got depressing having to argue the case for owning a toothbrush ; or they have been scrupulous — in which case I have started longing for a bit more rough-and-readiness .
29 They have been skilful at going along with , not at question-ing or confronting the routines .
30 It is natural that parents , and mothers in particular , should feel sadness and a sense of bereavement , whether or not they have been full-time housewives and mothers .
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