Example sentences of "they have [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The central plains of China have been farmed continuously for thousands of years and you begin to wonder how they have stayed fertile .
2 no I know , they have to wait that 's it , got to be quite left in the shop today were n't we ?
3 They have gone that way , ’ he said , pointing up the path , ‘ but someone has lain here … ’
4 In many cases they have gone long periods before they have even made a profit .
5 But Strain is short of choices as the Seconds are having an even worse start to the season ; they have gone all five games of the new season without a win .
6 Banana skins , for example , are sometimes dried for weeks until they have gone black , then the inside off the skin can be scraped off and smoked .
7 They have gone some way to healing their internal rifts .
8 ‘ You are a success to them if you fit in with the culture , particularly when they have gone thousands of miles and built up the clubs themselves .
9 The emotional help that we can offer most directly to bereaved people is to explain that such behaviour is not an indication that they have gone mad , but in fact rather the opposite .
10 Students learn best from their own mistakes ; they should be told when and why they have gone wrong , and how their approach to a problem should be redirected .
11 Erm well I mean I think there 's some very fundamental issues in all this in , in the communication spectrum first of all using the phrase back to basics , what do people mean by that and that 's where the , they , they have gone wrong because the problem is that here we are , four people round this table and I 'm sure if all of us were asked what do we mean by getting back to basics , we 'll come out with a totally different you know set of things that meanings .
12 But there are key areas where I feel they have gone wrong .
13 But they have coloured luminous markings or stripes down their backs .
14 They only have to look at Thames 's shares to see what life might mean under Labour : since the start of March they have fallen 13 per cent to 333p .
15 While other economic and social changes are undermining full economic and social citizenship for the underclass , any retreat from universal political citizenship results in the underclass losing the little political clout they have to reverse this trend .
16 A mean of eight percent of patients developed postoperative sepsis and we have classified patients as having de developed postoperative sepsis if they have developed two out of three of the following , a temperature of greater than thirty eight degrees celsius , or a positive blood culture .
17 It may be that they have developed new sensitivities to foods , or that they are becoming chemical-sensitive .
18 Since 1980 the company has operated a Logistic Department , where , in cooperation with large international customers , they have developed integrated transport systems within Europe , based on the Just-In-Time principle .
19 The Disability Unit of the Department of Transport in Marsham Street is another source which you might like to consult concerning wheelchair-accessible taxis , as they have developed considerable interest and expertise in this area .
20 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
21 Asked whether they feel they have developed this , all reply in the affirmative , so in order to evaluate neighbourhood policing in Easton it is necessary to consider observational data to assess how true this appears from their practice .
22 Economists are nothing if not ingenious , however , and in their ingenuity they have done much to deflect attention away from searching investigation into the nature and operation of organised labour within individual firms and industries .
23 The UOC found that " it is patent that some feeling exists among the Unionist Press that , while in the past they have done much for the Party , the Party has not assisted in their work .
24 Nevertheless the efforts of conservative historians , although they have done much to restore the image of the Church of England after 1830 , have done little to qualify the depiction of the period from the early eighteenth century to that date as a " phase of prolonged , rapid , and disastrous decline " .
25 Once they have done that , the undertakers guarantee to provide a funeral to that standard , whatever has happened to charges in the meantime .
26 They have done that before , and the hope must be that they will do it again .
27 Well they 've got another name added on here , so maybe they have done that one , just as , find it interesting is the fact there 's no er no errors anywhere
28 Despite some progress they have done little to compensate for long term NHS underfunding
29 While the New Towns often built up relatively successful and prosperous new communities , they have done little to relieve the problems of the least privileged in the old communities from which they drew , and hence , while by providing for ‘ overspill ’ they have helped to solve some inner-city problems , they have exacerbated others .
30 In the past few years they have done such a great job in establishing a platform to build on . ’
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