Example sentences of "they were [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 Usually they were gulls and I tied thick orange nylon fishing-line to a leg each , then sat on a dune and watched .
2 I look forward with considerable pleasure to our arrival at Flinders whither I proceed purposely to see the remnants of the inhabitants which once peopled this fine Island over which they were Lords and Masters but now submissive creatures to the wiles of Englishmen .
3 They were friends and they expected never to see each other again .
4 They were friends and neighbours , Seton 's lands in Lothian being near Dalwolsey .
5 Did he hate them because they lived in Sea House , because there was the garden and the setters , because they were friends and he had no friends himself ?
6 The appraisers were two , three or four local men appointed by the executors ; usually they were friends and neighbours ( some of whom were illiterate ) , but they often included someone who had the reputation of knowing how to do the job .
7 They were Latinos and in their mid-thirties to early forties .
8 You mentioned that they were oaks and ash and broad leaved trees .
9 They were lawyers and engineers , cadres and traders , as well as peasant-gardeners and herdsmen .
10 They were lawyers and sometimes are referred to as such in the Gospel .
11 Gerald Campbell , Consul in Addis Ababa during our last years there , had two children , a little younger than me , but they were girls and had no part in our lives .
12 I used to come , and I used to go from there just past the top of there was two biggish houses erm who was it lived in the one some , somebody named and er and then there was er who was something to do at er on and somebody named who was , got a brewery at Dalston and , and they were ladies and proper genteel-type ladies at that .
13 He kept his voice low as if they were conspirators and that annoyed her too .
14 The kings were not simply put on their thrones by churchmen ; they were heirs and successors of barbarian chiefs ; they ruled by force and fear not by ideals ; the fact of politics not the ideals of churchmen were the stuff of their lives .
15 So of course these chaps well I do n't wether they were youths and chaps and that denying it .
16 Do this to all your doors , not just the exterior ones , and treat any panes of glass in doors as though they were windows and give them some sort of double glazing .
17 They were singers and they could n't sing a note in tune .
18 The simple reason for which they failed to make the headlines and fire up the imagination of rugby pundits around the world is that they were blacks and coloureds in an apartheid-ridden South Africa .
19 She could n't move , even though she wanted to — it was heaven and hell being close again , even if they were enemies and the minutes were flying by , bringing their separation ever closer .
20 It is bad enough when parents treat ordinary children as though they were scabs and bunions , but it becomes somehow a lot worse when the child in question is extra -ordinary , and by that I mean sensitive and brilliant .
21 It was something he found hard to understand , though of course it must be accepted , this escape of children from the parental bonds so that they could have secrets from you and hiding places you could n't penetrate , that they were adults and possessed houses and cars which you had no hand in choosing or buying , that they could lock up those houses as they locked up their thoughts .
22 They were navel-defluffers and snot-rollers to a man .
23 One ‘ unofficial ’ source told me ‘ the club did nt mind what went on with young Ryan on away trips — after all they were roommates and what roommates do — well they do at this club anyway — but Sir Matt 's dog !
24 Assuming they were stiffs and not a fresh consignment of medical mistakes . ’
25 We bought some toffees last week , chocolates last week in Thorntons , supposed to be assorted we bought a pound and , and they were caramels and both Malcolm
26 She would be hurting no one because , even if Rune had lied and was still involved in some emotional way with Lotta , the Swedish girl had already assumed they were lovers and obviously accepted them in that role without suffering undue pain .
27 Earlier yesterday Constable Sandra Dougan told Belfast Coroner 's Court Moore was ‘ lying ’ when he had claimed they were lovers and insisted they were just ‘ friends ’ .
28 They used courts for private cases : divorced wives whose maintenance had not been paid , and heirs who thought they had been cheated , appear in the earliest court records ; they were plaintiffs and claimants whose position was weak in the traditional system .
29 The fact that he obviously thought she was a good nurse pleased her and gave her confidence , while the fact that Belinda had not betrayed his secret and gossiped about his wife and her illness earned his gratitude and respect , so that now they were allies and she knew she would be able to go to him if ever she had a problem at the hospital .
30 They said that they were police and flashed white cards .
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