Example sentences of "they had [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They had all winter .
2 Many of the latecomers , especially as the afternoon wore on , were furious to find the doors locked , not having heard of the noon closure and so thinking they had all day .
3 The Common Good Fund and they , they had you know all I mean you know they had all feelers out for all , all the things , so there are a couple of dates which came up in the last meeting erm for further pilots and then the intention is to just go ahead from
4 Well you know when they had all hooha about erm dig our
5 They had all UNACO operatives ' fingerprints on file .
6 But they had all sorts of virtually now do n't they ?
7 They had all sorts of ones
8 They had much goods for Gairloch , and not a little to take on board .
9 When the French were here they had much freedom in the camp because they were sensible and did not try to escape .
10 Formerly , we are told , people died before they had much time to develop these diseases .
11 And they had such fun together !
12 They had that smell of coarse soap that is asendemic to Russia as the smell of Gauloises and garlic to Paris .
13 I consider that it could only be of assistance to them if they had that foundation with which to commence their overview of the requirements of the case and the discharge of their statutory duty under the Children Act 1989 .
14 They had that air of sadness that comes over one when a funeral passes by , and I overheard one say : ‘ It 's no longer an army !
15 We should be trying to enhance cooperative arrangements of referral and support between health and social work departments and private homes , and Mike O'Reilly did n't actually say that they had that problem but he said that their clients had been referred by GPs or by the psychogeriatric service .
16 They had that sausage up again , the one we did n't get .
17 They had that news . )
18 Having decided they had that power , they decided not to exercise it and made no order under that section .
19 ‘ They used to advocate it for withdrawing heroin addicts — naturally they had little success .
20 They had little doubt as to the contents of the sacks and their prompt action in jumping the men was vindicated when the sacks were found to contain large quantities of spirits and cigarettes .
21 From a local survey they found that many girls of this age were very frightened in labour , which made it worse , and that they had little idea about coping with a tiny baby .
22 But they had little cushioning effect .
23 This was not a powerful cabal , and they had little expectation of early success .
24 Some of the rebel leaders , notably Litster , may have appreciated their military weakness , because they attempted to involve members of the gentry in the revolt , and although they had little support of this nature , the very fact that they hoped to obtain it must argue against an interpretation of the revolt simply in class terms .
25 They had little money to spend once he 'd given up riding altogether but they shared love in abundance .
26 On the one hand , the new owners of great country houses accepted the life of the landed gentleman , even where they had little land .
27 But whereas integrationist sympathies were widespread in many continental states , they had little purchase in Britain , especially within the ruling Labour Party .
28 Even the National government and the Conservative Party leadership felt obliged to pay some attention to a movement with which they had little sympathy ; they frequently referred to pacifist feeling as a reason for slow rearmament and later for " appeasement " of Germany and Italy .
29 In the circumstances , they had little choice .
30 As the denomination most solidly based in the countryside , they also realized they had little choice in the thousands of new streets with their red and yellow brick terraces that were covering England 's acres .
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