Example sentences of "they had [adv] make " in BNC.

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1 They had n't made university and the difference between their comfortable life style — houses on an executive estate , en suite bathrooms , artificial coal fires in what they called the lounge , working wives , a new car every two years and timeshares in Majorca — provided both with agreeable hours of self-satisfied comparisons which he knew would always end with the same conclusion , that he ought to pull himself together , that it was n't right , not after all the sacrifices Mum and Dad had made to send him to college , and a fine waste of money that had proved .
2 Yes , they had been neighbours in Shrewsbury , but of course they had only seen each other during the school holidays , and of course they had n't made friends over some grotty little terrace-house garden fence ; he 'd first noticed her from the tree house in his parents ' garden while she was learning to ride her new pony in her parents ' ten acres of mature woodland and well-kept pasture .
3 They had n't made an arrangement to meet , even , she had visitors coming for the night , official ones to see her father , she had to help him ‘ entertain' , she 'd told him not to phone at all .
4 He said there were 4 potential wage earners in the household but they had n't made any payment for 17 months .
5 Well they 'd never , they had n't made a long player Amstrad did and now one or two of them are now are n't they ?
6 and this chappie had a double hip replacement operation , it 's been on the television here and er , he said they started off dancing with Sammy Davis , you know , er what 's it called , Tip Tap Toe or something like that , they , they act Sammy Davis and his , and his parents and then these two chaps I , I mean they had n't made it big time
7 And they had also made guesses as to what might be possible if the deuterium and oxygen gases that were bubbling off from the cell could be recombined and their latent energy recovered and used as heat .
8 They had also made their social entrance at a time when television — so often blamed as another demoralising force — was only a minority pursuit in Britain , with no more than two million viewing licences in 1953 ; and when the commercial TV channel , which was most commonly alleged to be lowering standards , had not even been created .
9 He thought of Jessica , thought of the love they had just made , and felt his heart go cold .
10 They had just made love again ; this time more slowly though just as wonderfully .
11 After the three less-than-convincing films they had previously made together , Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? brilliantly restored their credibility as performers , and Nichols 's essentially theatrical but competent direction was nominated for an Oscar .
12 They had allegedly made millions of dollars in the 1980s by borrowing from BCCI to buy and sell shares in the holding company which owned First American , but on Sept. 11 both men , appearing before the House Banking Committee , denied any knowledge of secret control by BCCI .
13 Since they had evidently made up their minds , none of this seemed important to them .
14 Not until the anonymous informant had rung again on 4 August and there had been more calls to Lawrence , and they had finally made contact with John Lewis , did the Panel begin to find out what had really happened .
15 Thank God , they had both made rational choices in marrying each other ( she had kept her maiden name because , well , other considerations apart , Maynard was to be preferred to Badcock ) …
16 They had both made their reverences , and were withdrawing , markedly separated by three feet or more , and shrinking fastidiously from approaching more closely in the doorway , when Hotspur called the lady back .
17 They had neither made adequate preparation for the Single European Market nor allowed for proper funding for the Channel tunnel .
18 That questions and recriminations would creep in later she had little doubt , but for the moment she simply wanted to shut out the rest of the world , to step back into that circle of magic they had created , first in the pool , then in the factory car park when they had somehow made the rest of the world go away .
19 When we signed them , they had already made an EP by themselves .
20 A motion which would have specifically committed ] the party against fusion was not put on the chairman 's decision ; the diehards accepted this ruling without demur , no doubt because they felt that they had already made their point .
21 On the other hand , she thought miserably , what if they had already made love , and were now dozing ; before waking to start all over again ?
22 The problem was that in reality it was not so much the Danes who had to decide — they had already made up their minds — as the remainder of the EEC partners who had to face the consequences of the Danish decision .
23 The overwhelming majority of Serbs , who accounted for some 31 per cent of the population , boycotted the referendum on the grounds that they had already made clear their preference in local referendums for Bosnia-Hercegovina remaining within Yugoslavia .
24 People unhappy with the Major government may have told interviewers they intended to vote for one of the opposition parties even though they had not made up their minds or were even leaning towards the Tories .
25 About the time this match took place , Tonks was in the IRB meeting room alongside the French delegate and was not impressed that they had not made him aware of the game — if they in fact knew about it .
26 A survey of retired people by MORI revealed that nearly half of those questioned said that they had not made sufficient allowance for inflation .
27 The three asserted that their only observation had been to suggest that because such a rumour was circulating it would be wise for it to be firmly denied or some enquiry made , and that they had not made any allegation against Profumo but only a suggestion for his benefit .
28 She sat and ate it with them now , and oh , it was torture that in deference to propriety and Matey they had not made love again as they had done that golden afternoon , always to be remembered .
29 Not surprisingly , they believed they had only made a stab at it , From the start Wave and HHCL were determined to build the campaign around an organisation with a sound commercial and practical justification for funding such advertising ; someone with a vested interest in curbing consumer greed .
30 But Arsenal said they had always made it clear that , while Bondholders would get priority for tickets , any still available would be sold .
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