Example sentences of "they want [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well I sort of gave them a choice , do they want to nominate who does overtime or do they want to have a cat or do they want to pay , get paid less and they said they 'll get paid less .
2 A lot of us ignore the fact that people do have their own development and they want to do something a bit more exciting , but unless we 're given the opportunity ask will they want to demonstrate it ?
3 When they have moved forwards as far as they feel they want to go they then leave one of the bottles , place both their hands on the other and have to get back without touching the the floor with any part of their body .
4 Er and but others just feel they want to do it that way , other companies .
5 Er , who , who why do they want to eat him ?
6 It 's a very small minority of people who just feel they want to inflict their political will upon others .
7 But where do they want to send them ?
8 They want to arrange their own lunches , decide for themselves how to spend some days .
9 Typically , teachers ask questions not because they do not know the answers , but because they want to test their pupils ' knowledge .
10 They want to retain their place of refuge should war break out again .
11 ‘ These big international companies recognise borders only when they want to use them to set one workforce against another , ’ says one .
12 Now they want to use them at home .
13 In case they want to use you undercover . ’
14 The cost of weapons often means they are in potentially short supply , all the more so because once commanders find that a weapon works , they want to use it for everything .
15 When we say when we say that that we stage door club is closed it closed in the place it 's not open every evening but we do actually let it out we let it out to companies and whatever conference or companies who want a facility or meeting place something we do actually market that and we do actually ask people if they want to use it and in fact it has been taken up there .
16 What so we 're leaving it to people to decide whether they want to use it ?
17 ‘ Oh , incidentally Mark , I understand they want to use your office and mine for a couple of visiting Americans on assignment over here for a couple of months .
18 They want to own everything .
19 They 've destroyed all my things — and I think they want to destroy me . ’
20 It 's clear that neither Jane nor Grant want to split up but , in Jo 's view , they should stop living together if they want to save their relationship .
21 If they want to punish us , right , punish us , but do n't torture us , get it over and done with .
22 They want to get away ; they want to forget about politics ; they want to reintroduce themselves to their families .
23 They want to stop our political levy and only half of the Tory funds is answerable for , from where they get it .
24 What for they want to lock me up ?
25 At a grassroots level people tell you freely that they want to curtail their daughters sexuality and if they feel that the appropriate method is castration then so be it .
26 They want to liberate their people . ’
27 Although they want to move they say the house is now virtually unsaleable .
28 Although they want to move they say the house is now virtually unsaleable .
29 You have gone along with the County Council , they want to move what they conceive to be an inset boundary .
30 Well they want to move it they want to develop the area and er now they 're talking as well about taking the trees out from around there too which is really getting up people 's noses it would seem .
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