Example sentences of "they should be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The meeting had originally proposed the development of such strategies for the weakest EC economies ( i.e. Greece , Italy and Portugal ) but several ministers argued that they should be undertaken by all members .
2 They should be fed according to the manufacturer 's instructions .
3 As a result , they should be fed on live foods , if possible , such as white worms , bloodworms , daphnia , tubifex worms and mosquito larvae .
4 When the fry hatch out , they should be fed on Liquifry or rotifers as a first food , because they 're too tiny to take newly-hatched brine shrimp .
5 Feeding : Like C ephippium they should be fed on canned Norwegian brine shrimp and freeze-dried foods — in particular brine shrimp and Tubifex worms .
6 This , incidentally , causes some warm regard in Auckland , but less in other parts of the country where rugby buffs asked why they should be presented with telecasts of club matches from those willy-woofers in the north each week while their own club games did not gain equal exposure .
7 We would not have considered the orders today if the Opposition had not prayed against them and agreed that they should be debated with the main affirmative orders .
8 They should be involved .
9 The hon. Gentleman says that they should be involved .
10 If the purchaser 's and the vendor 's accountants are to be involved , and it is strongly recommended that they are , it is imperative that they should be involved as early as possible in negotiating this part of the sale agreement .
11 As such they should be lodged in gaol . ’
12 Like , and there 's other people in there that are you know , they should be wrote down , and she looked at me
13 " If , as claimed by France , the tests are harmless " , said Somare , " then they should be conducted in metropolitan France " .
14 Indeed , the need for Health Authorities to hold comprehensive asset registers is no more than basic accounting — obviously they should be created .
15 Readers unfamiliar with philosophy will find her discussion of the nature of philosophy illuminating ; they should be warned , though , that philosophers are likely to find it contentious .
16 I do n't know how many other people booked with this company but they should be warned . ’
17 However , they should be prescribed only where there are definite indications .
18 They should be instructed at an early stage , and informed promptly of developments .
19 They should be punished for it .
20 Few Europeans would have contested the view that they should be organized politically in sovereign states .
21 Let's just say that my father talks a lot about queers and why they should be flung into prison and the key thrown away . ’
22 They should be sited on bare earth ( not concrete ) and protected from the prevailing wind .
23 Discussions about the number of houses in rural areas , their size and density , how many should be publicly or privately owned , owner-occupied or rented , where they should be sited and how they should be designed are often presented as purely technical exercises .
24 I 'm not trying to be a teacher , but if people give me their time , they should be repaid .
25 Earlier in his essay on the rule of law Oakeshott had suggested that to deliberate the jus of lex is ‘ to invoke a particular kind of moral consideration : … the negative and limited consideration that the prescriptions of law should not conflict with a prevailing educated moral sensibility capable of distinguishing between the conditions of ‘ virtue ’ , the conditions of moral association ( ’ good conduct ’ ) , and those which are of such a kind that they should be imposed by law ( ’ justice ’ ) ' .
26 This may be also a question which you will say the districts are in a better position to answer and maybe they should be forewarned that if you say that , they will be asked that question .
27 They should be compared with other professional organizations , such as the National Association of Salvadorean Nurses , which have published lists of armed incursions into hospitals by the security forces , together with the names of patients , doctors and nurses who have been killed .
28 These results have been confirmed using simulation techniques , and are given in Table 6.5 ; they should be compared with Table 6.4 .
29 The papers we have in our Archive are essentially the contents of Christabel 's desk when she died — she expressed a wish that they should be sent to one of her nieces , May Bailey , ‘ in the hope that she may come to care about poetry ’ . ’
30 They should be sent to the Secretary of State for the Environment at Room 1203B , Tollgate House , Houlton Street , Bristol BS2 9DJ quoting reference APP/M1710/A/92/203052 .
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