Example sentences of "they could be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Our own hardships palled to insignificance when we learned that often their ships were away from home for six months , and that they could be roaming as far afield as Nova Scotia after leaving Scotland .
2 If , in a time of reduced employment opportunities , unemployed people rather than more traditional seasonal workers are filling a share of seasonal jobs , and if they develop a pattern of working in this fashion , they could be penalised by these regulations ( see Hansard , 4/2/87 ) .
3 The upstairs lighting circuit is laid out on the floor of the loft , taking care not to put it under any loft insulation ( where it could overheat ) , and not to put junction boxes where they could be damaged by careless feet .
4 If the trees waited for the onset of cold weather before starting to shed , they could be damaged by the shortfall in water by the time the process was complete .
5 And because they have flowered early they could be damaged by frost .
6 In the steppes and the Caucasus they knew the dead could rise again , and how they could be stopped .
7 With the city in such a ferment , they could be stopped on a whim by police or soldiers .
8 So they could be stopped .
9 If they were to employ staff on fixed-term contracts , they could be creating rigidity for themselves rather than flexibility .
10 Those involved in private care should arrange among themselves how they could be represented in the local planning process because if they are going to be covered by the planning arrangements then natural justice suggests that they should have an input in to the planning process .
11 They could be asked to guess which was the earliest , and to give reasons for their choice .
12 They could be asked about the improvements that metal tools could bring , Through discussions like these , pupils should be brought to realise that what people could do in the past was often limited by their technology .
13 I often hear and read stories of anglers spending weeks on end in search of Fenland zander with very little to show for it and yet with a little thought they could be catching on a regular basis .
14 The whole room breathed an air of hygienic efficiency : the walls were emulsioned so that they could be repainted at little cost , and the tables stood on plastic tiles which could be quickly wiped and disinfected .
15 It was asked , when the estate had been entered in accordance with the second will , whether the debtors who had been released in the first will could secure that they should be released even from debt which they had begun to owe after the first will , and if , should the heirs try to sue for it , they could be debarred by a defence of bad faith .
16 ‘ Natty suddenly called out , ‘ Look massa ’ ; in an instant the air before us seemed literally filled with a dense mass of these birds , which had suddenly rose from under the trees at his exclamation ; we had scarcely time to raise our guns before they were seventy or eighty yards off ; our united discharge , however , brought down eight additional specimens , all of which being merely winged and fluttering about , attracted the attention of our kangaroo dogs , and it was with the greatest difficulty that they could be prevented from tearing them to pieces ; in the midst of the scramble , a kite , with the utmost audacity , came to the attack , and would doubtless , in spite of our presence , have carried off his share , had not the contents of my second barrel stopped his career .
17 They could be repeated at three minute intervals ( fig 2 ) .
18 Remote villages could join in the skiing bonanza because they could be reached by drag-lifts , which were much cheaper to install than railways or funiculars .
19 All the sheep were on lower ground where they could be reached by men on horseback , and the womenfolk had laid in stocks of flour and yeast , so that there was no shortage of food .
20 Landscapes were empty and without meaning unless they could be related to an inner view , to a feeling of emptiness or apprehension , a sadness , a surge of hope , an ecstasy .
21 If this sort of technology was introduced into commercial-sized refrigeration plants , they could be turned off during peak times and then switched back on during low demand periods , saving money for the companies that own them and using less energy .
22 They could be turned inside out , like those optical-illusion drawings of a cylinder that could be made to appear either concave or convex , depending on how one focused one 's gaze .
23 If they did n't pay the rent they could be turned out of the house and have to sleep in a ditch .
24 Most of all , they give us a unique insight into the quality of family relationships in later life , and the variety of ways in which they could be constructed .
25 They could be constructed by random surveys of a general practitioner 's practice population ( culturally valid ) , most of whom would have had personal experience of common conditions .
26 On Nov. 18 , the Supreme Court voted by seven to two not to overturn the restraining order , and CNN then turned over the tapes so that they could be examined by Hoeveler .
27 They could be viewed as the organ within the living organism whose task it was to supply the basic necessity of capital without any need to accord them a fuller role within the enterprise .
28 They were not thought particularly interesting , until , in 1952 , Herring and Galt chanced to bend some tin whiskers and noticed that they could be bent to a strain of about 2 per cent and still recover elastically .
29 They could be jailed for two years and fined £400 for ‘ engaging in activities requiring a licence when not a licensee ’ , and thirteen other offences which included inserting false or misleading advertisements , canvassing debtor-creditor agreements off trade premises , sending circulars to minors , and supplying unsolicited credit tokens .
30 Cuba and Vietnam , for their part , are bound firmly to the USSR by a mutuality of interest and outlook , but it is questionable , despite considerable dependency on the USSR , if they could be bound against their will .
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