Example sentences of "they could [verb] things " in BNC.

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1 The tightly packed schiltrons might have been in some danger if the enemy 's Welsh archers had been used at once ; but Edward or his advisers thought they could settle things swiftly by an all-out cavalry charge .
2 Then they could settle things .
3 They did n't even know I could sing , but they said they could do things to my voice .
4 But bodyboarders knew they could do things with waves boardwalkers could only dream of .
5 They could do things by thumb and come out within a thou .
6 Joe did n't see a great deal of his dad during the year , with his trips abroad and everything , so they used to reserve at least one day when they could do things together . ’
7 Therefore they would welcome bus lanes and feel that they could get things shifting a lot better .
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