Example sentences of "they would [verb] do " in BNC.

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1 As Gary and I have mentioned so many times , I wish they 'd stop doing that .
2 I mean the next thing they 'd want to do is to come in and do in this kitchen before you do any cooking for yourself
3 What they 'd like to do is script it really .
4 The tables on page 54 show what men have done , what they 'd like to do and what they have no intention of doing .
5 Who else could tell me something else they 'd like to do if they could live for ever ?
6 How to set up : Ask friends , family or neighbours in the same situation as you if they 'd like to do a babysitting swap , and take it from there .
7 Once , when he had been late and a crowd of louts from the factory had started to shout at her , calling out about her legs and what they 'd like to do to her , Georg had come storming down the road on a bicycle , jumped off , and knocked two of them down before the rest ran away .
8 They 'd get done in if they did it 'ere , ’ said Nancy , using her healthy roundness to expel herself from the jammed-up doorway .
9 And er they thought Thursday they 'd have to do an operation on her by taking a piece of bone from her hip ,
10 Yes I think they 'd have to do , they will do .
11 If anyone was going to make the connection , that was when they 'd have done it — when all the muck-rakers were going full blast .
12 And er great big pulleys with three inch leather belts , if they 'd have done it in , er do it in these days and the factory inspector would have cut him to pieces .
13 ‘ If they wanted to kill us , they 'd have done it already . ’
14 They 'd have done it anyway .
15 they 'd have done .
16 but if I 'd have give it , had to give them some water they 'd have done much better but I , like everybody else we kept hoping it were gon na rain , but !
17 But now they do er twenty minutes they think they 'd have done wonders !
18 yes , if they 'd have done it from , say , the first of April fair comment like , I would n't of said
19 To be honest , I do n't think they 'd have done that a year ago Brian .
20 You know with the and when she does n't know where she 's going to get enough money to feed , clothe them and especially at a time like now , when all these adverts are on television for , you know the toys that children want , and they just have n't the ability to provide those those things for the children , much as they would want to do it .
21 It 's not a bad place , but erm I think in common with a lot of other universities , well , all universities , some of the excitement , enthusiasm has gone , because people no longer have the chance to do what they would want to do .
22 However , the party leader , Alex Salmond , challenged Labour MPs to vote against the Government in forthcoming European votes ; they would refuse to do so , in spite of having a chance to defeat the Conservatives , he claimed .
23 When we have what one might call this coarse-cut overview , we then have tended to approach the businesses and ask them to produce a variety of scenarios ranging from what they would like to do in a totally free world with access to unlimited money , to the extremes of divestiture at the other end .
24 Women on the way to FAMILY 'S housework classes would be stopped by feminists and asked if they would like to do karate or woodwork instead ; new fiancées would receive congratulatory cards in the post , enclosing leaflets outlining the legal rights of wives , while their startled boyfriends got anonymous warnings to behave .
25 now do I do n't suppose I 'm the only person that 's been in a pub toilet , a ladies toilet and I 've heard the females in the toilet saying what , exactly what they would like to do the males !
26 Since the start of the project I have spoken to a large number of disabled people who often begin by describing their daytime occupation or the type of work they would like to do .
27 Also children want to learn , to enable them to acquire qualifications needed for the jobs they would like to do when they leave education .
28 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
29 The award asks children between the ages of nine and 12 to write about what they would like to do when they grow up .
30 I do n't think they even thought they would need to do any other sizes and they did n't proportion them so that you could interpolate .
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