Example sentences of "they will [verb] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The leader of the Bosnian Serbs has given an assurance to the United Nations that they 'll stop firing on non-military targets in Sarajevo .
2 And merely because you did n't tell them her new name and address does n't mean to say they 'll stop looking . ’
3 Timbmet are Britain 's second importer of tropical timber — they argue that if any of the companies they buy from are found guilty of illegal logging , they 'll stop trading with them .
4 Cormac said , ‘ They 'll arrive having marched thirty miles . ’
5 Fastback Plus Unix product marketing manager Neil Norton figures they 'll start moving 1,000 units a month direct to some large customers and through their channels .
6 ‘ If people read the autobiography , they 'll start thinking about the past , James 's past .
7 Another disadvantage of laser printers is that , because they 're page printers , they require the entire page to be stored in their memory before they 'll start printing .
8 So all Oswaldston will read that , and they 'll read between the lines and they 'll start calling me the marriage-breaker , will they ?
9 else they 'll start scribbling .
10 They 'll start fighting us , wo n't they ?
11 First of all they 'll go very pale and they 'll start sweating and the pulse will be very rapid and the breathing will be shallow , now what are they going into ?
12 They 'll start arguing now .
13 Some non-muslim parents say they 'll boycott swimming lessons while they 're segregated .
14 Rangers will announce tomorrow what action , if any , they 'll take following the vandalism in the Broomloan Stand .
15 If someone wants to get you , they 'll keep trying — and you 'll never be sure where they are .
16 I do n't quite understand how the government think they 'll keep getting away with this .
17 but they 'll keep sending me one till I 've found the other .
18 Well they 'll keep doing it .
19 Local people say they 'll keep fighting to get it banned .
20 ‘ In the morning they 'll need feeding again , and mucking out . ’
21 So far the audiences have n't be sell outs , but the Minstrels are confidant as the word spreads , like the saints they 'll come marching in
22 She said abruptly : ‘ If I do n't go they 'll come looking , ’ because it was true .
23 Any they 'll come looking for us . ’
24 No matter about the slump in the property market , nor that there does n't seem to be any money about : they 'll come running for these .
25 GUIL : As soon as we make a move they 'll come pouring in from every side , shouting obscure instructions , confusing us with ridiculous remarks , messing us about from here to breakfast and getting our names wrong .
26 Do you think they 'll enjoy reading about the things their little boy has been up to ? ’
27 Dean Patterson says the use of solar energy is important to all people around the world … and he says we will say electric cars on the road within five years but even with the sun shining … they 're are breakdowns … punctures and problems … a driver says they 've had a stone fly up and brake the chain but they 'll get going again
28 They will arrange fitting too if you do n't want to do the job yourself .
29 These fish are especially prone to ‘ conditioning ’ ; you can switch their minds onto a certain item of food and if you keep that food trickling through their swims over a long period they will continue feeding , with only short breaks , until that food runs out or some other disaster happens to move them .
30 As we have seen elsewhere , the wording of statutes tends to be general and is therefore frequently ambiguous ; thus when a case revolves around what a statute actually says , judges have a good deal of discretion which they will exercise according to their view of what the law requires .
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