Example sentences of "they do [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 decide whether or not they really need to be on that site for fourteen hours or can they do what they need to do in four ?
2 Will they do what I told you to tell them to do ? ’
3 Are they doing what they want to do ?
4 In other words , rats with hippocampal lesions have difficulty in refraining from punished responses because they can not remember what happened to them the last time that they did whatever it was that led to the punishment .
5 Robert Kent , owner of the six-year-old rottweilers — worth £1,000 — said : ‘ They did what we keep them to do .
6 They did what they ought n't .
7 They did what they thought was best in the circumstances . ’
8 The eagle stared back at him proudly and without fear and Mr Wolski wondered how long he would be here in captivity , staring out at the same things year after year , his great wings never feeling the power and support of the wind , his talons never arcing forward and down as they did what they had been made for and struck at prey .
9 ‘ They all had it in for Jonathan and they did what they could to harm him , but they were glad enough of his money , of his custom in their shops and of the work he provided . ’
10 I want to know why they did it and especially why they did what they did with the head …
11 Within the material constraints of the situation they did what they could for the kids .
12 But erm they 're bloody daft if they did what they did last time anyway !
13 They wanted to raise as much of this money as possible from the City ; Thornton assured them that he could fix it if they did what he said .
14 And they believed him , people believed in curses then , and they did what he said .
15 Yeah because what they did they they 've done it a few a times though different people , look and see how far it is before it 's a blind spot .
16 Many severely handicapped children do die at an early age through natural causes , but at least the parents can feel that they did everything they could for the child when it was alive .
17 Bruce said : ‘ They did everything they could . ’
18 No doubt the now dispossessed Kurds and the Shiites have been surprised to learn that they did something they should not have done in the interests of geopolitical reality .
19 Well er they did them They made them f f fancy kind of things on the top like a They would maybe crisscrosses and things like that and m make a rounded thing like a Just like what some folk has a tassel on their bonnets , well we made that on the top of the stack .
20 I think if they did anything it , it was sort of charity work .
21 If they did anything it would probably bring a response from the West
22 Yes they do they it 's it 's yeah they they liked to sort of erm I think they felt a bit shy in the beginning and yet you know
23 They do something they manage with such
24 hang on a minute that 's not mine either , and all then that 's not my pots I tell you what when they do something they do not forget the colour
25 Unless they do something it will hold up economic recovery . ’
26 You must tell them off every time they do something you do n't want them too . ’
27 They do what they have to do as whole entities , further integrated into the greater wholeness of soul , Mind and nature .
28 I hope they do what they set out to do for the sake of the people of West Belfast .
29 Frank 's first words as the boys left were , ‘ There 's no point in talking to these guys , they do what they like . ’
30 It can tell us : What sort of people the characters are Why they behave as they do What they are thinking
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