Example sentences of "they have [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 P.P.S I see they 've been feeding Mark H on the raw meat again : - ) ) ) How did ‘ Antiscum United ’ go on over the weekend by the way ? ?
2 I do n't they 've been doing anything to me yet okay .
3 He had n't said he was going away and renting his house , which was odd because they 'd been chatting in the village not two days before he 'd disappeared and Leo taken up residence .
4 So I do n't know whether they 'd been sending them away , to be er as patterns to some other firm or what , but there was quite a quant there was er a quantity of of casting sand you know black stuff that you use .
5 Till the knock on the door — two investigators said they 'd been watching my house and he was living with me .
6 Chris described to her in painstaking detail the story of the cartoon they 'd been watching .
7 They 'd been watching the site for some time .
8 They 'd been watching the premises for several months .
9 They 'd been queuing since 5 a.m. in the morning and as the wait continued , so did the length of the queue .
10 They 'd been feeding her up ( according to Danielle , they would have taken extra food from the other children ) .
11 They 'd been feeding it down at the where they give the horses
12 They were soon strolling with me round the house as if they 'd been expecting me for weeks .
13 Nobody left the queue : they were n't going to lose their place , they 'd been queueing for an hour .
14 They 'd been strolling through the individual gardens within the whole for more than two hours , while Rune told her about the traditions of the gardens and how , despite attempts at imitation , they remained unique in Europe — if not the world — before they reached the area set aside for the funfair and he suggested she might like a ride on some of the attractions .
15 Maybe they 'd been meeting in secret for a while .
16 So after they 'd been using this stuff with no windows open or anything , one of the workmen began to feel a little bit groggy so he said to his mate and open the back door Charlie , will you , I 'm feeling a bit groggy .
17 The aroma that exuded from the chemist shop in those days like er Depends what they 'd been using you see ?
18 I pushed by a couple of drunks who had just appeared bearing the same bottle of Hirondelle they 'd been using to get into parties all year and made my way upstairs .
19 The scenery they 'd been flashing through was spectacular , endless coconut and banana palms , glimpses of white sand and water , fluttering green against deep blue and silver .
20 One reason I was disappointed is because what it says in these minutes , Robert 's people reported they 'd been speaking to the R and Abbey Leisure Service in London that had been considerable interest in the Edinburgh Festival Programme and in everything
21 They 'd been sharing a cell for the last two years .
22 He 'd watch them quietly ; and he often told me how he had a good idea where they 'd been taking their honey : if they came to their hives low , they 'd most likely have come off a field of clover .
23 I mean when you 're on picket line it 's very depressing it 's very heart breaking unless you get some comedian or something you know it gets er y you do n't know what to do with yourself and perhaps they 'd been taking pots of this paint I 'm not saying .
24 They 'd been taking their very last walk of a well earned holiday .
25 As she 'd said to Ben when they 'd been getting ready to go to bed last night , you could practically feel the highly charged sexy atmosphere between that pair of love-birds !
26 Well in that case and they 'd been stopping them for us you see and er excuse me stopping them for us and whoever decided to speak to them has had his few words and that 's it carry on .
27 ‘ In a fairy story one of them would ride up to the avenue here on a white horse and say they 'd been wanting you as part of their lives for years , ’ Benny said .
28 sending their mail to erm Body Shop er , they 'd been grooming their nails because they 've heard that the Body shops , in the paper the other day erm are paying ten pounds per nail if your nail 's an inch long , you know , so you cut this talon off if it 's an inch long and they had loads and loads of them sent in envelopes or people just ringing up and asking can we send our nail , ten pound a nail and they said , where the rumour started from these people had heard that because they do n't do erm experiments on animals any more they 're using nails to do experiments , the nail polish and that
29 Over his shoulder he saw the looming shape of Arthur Dooley , the main singer of the group they 'd been listening to .
30 It was the Russians they 'd been listening to the whole lot .
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