Example sentences of "they be mean to " in BNC.

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1 They are gifts fit for a king , and so they are meant to be .
2 First the fire of God 's anger burns so fiercely among them , that parts of the camp are destroyed ( again we must not try to rationalize these events : they are meant to be seen as miraculous , and whatever we think of such miracle , we must accept the terms in which the story is written ) .
3 Perhaps , after all , they are meant to be seen .
4 Rigor rules north of the Tyne ; numerical and adjectival grades tell you different things — as they are meant to .
5 The grumbles of J. Alfred Prufrock in early Eliot are endurable if they are meant to be ridiculous , but only then ; and sitting around on Margate sands , or anywhere else , trying to connect nothing with nothing may be all right for Harvard men abroad , but ( as Eliot must already have discovered when he wrote The Waste Land ) it has nothing to do with the daily life of the Londoner .
6 Many aquarium shops will sell these terrestrial plants but they are meant to be used as marginals outside the tank or in a paludarium .
7 There has been a dramatic increase in knee injuries since the '70s , when it was more common to break a leg ; serious knee sprains , probably involving torn ligaments , are at least ten times more likely than broken legs — mainly because bindings now release when they are meant to and boots give greater support to the lower leg and ankle .
8 Like all of God 's gifts , they are meant to be used for a good purpose and to assist individuals and communities to grow in knowledge and appreciation of the truth , as well as in sensitivity to the dignity and needs of others .
9 Excluding the creditors and debtors may cause confusion amongst them as they will be uncertain as to whether they are meant to be dealing with the vendor or the purchaser for particular debts and liabilities .
10 The oblong block markers are n't centrally positioned either ; perhaps they 're meant to be offset as well …
11 They 're meant to be dull .
12 I think in some ways it 's better , because girls are meant to get on better in the sciences in girls ' schools ; they 're meant to be pushed backwards a bit in boys ' schools .
13 Apparently what the erm busmen do is they have to make sure that they get to where they 're meant to be on time otherwise they get their pay docked but they like to stop off and see their friends on the way , and stop and have cups of tea
14 At first the belts slip round the flat pulleys — they 're meant to — but as soon as I squirt the gum they grab and the shafts pick up speed real fast , and the spokes on the pulleys blur and disappear .
15 They 're meant to be operating in Britain again , smuggling drugs . ’
16 They 're meant to be a bunch so wedded to the mainland , so loyal to the English crown , that they 'd even fight against the government if they thought it necessary .
17 We 're running balloons on them , they 're meant to be like blown balloon things .
18 They were meant to be a pro group while we were just starting out .
19 They were meant to be for his weight but I 'm not sure I believe that .
20 There were hundreds of companies coming to us for funds and they were meant to be writing their business plans properly and cogently .
21 They were meant to be The Rolling Stones of their time .
22 The darned things never seemed to stay where they were meant to .
23 Most of all , although they were meant to be secret , these were secrets that were fairly indifferently kept ; if , indeed , they were kept at all .
24 No-one was quite sure whether they were meant to be in fancy dress but anyhow there were a couple decent Santa 's , a smith grinding policeman , and a ridiculous looking Dave ‘ Kowabunga-Mutant-Ninja-Turtle-Most-Unfortunately-named-clothing-company-of-the-century ’ Davis , dressed in poncho and sombrero .
25 The National Sound Archive does n't claim to be the natural home for gramophones or other equipment , but it does have a small historical collection , because to understand the recordings , some knowledge of how they were meant to be played is desirable .
26 This way she could simply wash it each morning and let it dry naturally — start trying for styles and valuable minutes had to be wasted keeping them the way they were meant to be .
27 They can never realize the parental aspiration other than in a superficial way , and they are left not only with the envy of the sex they were meant to be , but also unable to enjoy the sex which they are and the advantages which pertain to it .
28 They were meant to be devoid of personal feelings , deadpan , like lawyers who had to defend a case they did n't believe in , who went home at the end of the day leaving all their patients ' foibles filed away in their consulting rooms .
29 That 's all they had to go on — they did n't even know what key they were meant to be playing in .
30 The new-style boards could not have worked as they were meant to ; and the misplaced expectation that they would have established industrial democracy would have collapsed .
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