Example sentences of "they be [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They are north of here ,
2 They are Rossifloor in Italy , Balsan in France and Cabrita in Belgium .
3 They are Board of Trade President Michael Heseltine , Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind , Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke and Foreign Office Minister Tristan Garel-Jones .
4 Italy has been blessed with more great cities than any other European country — they are home to some of the most famous landmarks of the continent , they are unique and they are truly special .
5 Whether they 're the citizens ' charter , whether they are response to people from the press or from the public or constantly ringing in to the switchboard , or whether it 's by all the other ways in which we disseminate information .
6 They are polyester/cotton in green with the Land Rover logo on the front from the Genuine Parts First Choice collection .
7 And they are habitat for the millions of mallard duck , Canada geese , American widgeon and other waterfowl that pause here as they cruise the Atlantic Flyway toward warmer climes each autumn .
8 They are evidence of efficient , determined , and forceful government , the alternative to which is drift , lack of authority , and chaos .
9 Nobody would claim that these pus cells are evidence of continuing infection , rather that they are evidence of resolving inflammation and as such are not appropriately treated with antibiotics .
10 Collectively they are evidence of a coherent , deeply felt , formidable body of opinion within the present Conservative parliamentary party .
11 He tricks its members into thinking they are part of a revolutionary network extending across Russia , and at the local level he generates pseudo-purposeful activities which culminate in Shatov 's murder .
12 They are part of the increasing worldwide trend where knowledge , goods , services and markets are being exchanged between players each hoping to become ‘ global ’ organisations .
13 Bath players of recent years have never appeared as convincing for England as they regularly do for Bath ; while if they are part of one of those curious South-West sides their form goes down yet another notch .
14 Some commentators on the left take a more explicitly political view of the central-local government trends since 1979 and suggest that they are part of a deliberate larger attempted restructuring of relations between state and society .
15 I particularly try and develop an atmosphere of autonomy in the subsidiary companies where they feel they are part of a team and can look across at the other companies and can see admirable things going on .
16 They are part of a region of the brain called the hypothalamus which also controls body temperature , food and water intake , sexual drive , and hormone secretion .
17 Where you have a persistent problem with perennial weeds , label them and tell your friends they are part of your bid to conserve our natural flora .
18 As ex-plumbers they are unlikely candidates for resurrecting ancient woodland traditions , yet they are part of a growing drive to do just that .
19 They are part of the house , not loose chattels .
20 If the activities of the British Council , and the ODA , mean anything , they are part of a battle for the hearts and minds of other nations .
21 Central bankers , like everyone else , live in the world : they are part of a society and decisions they take are political — but they are not elected .
22 These things matter and they are part of the school 's service to parents and children .
23 They are part of an attempt to make explicit elements of our common traditions : a highly prized activity in a culture which values self-awareness .
24 Ricardo tells me they are part of a very ancient belief .
25 These slightly rolling hills appear to be folded out of the surface of the earth , but that is not the case ; they are part of a dissected tableland .
26 But it must never be forgotten that , if this happens , it happens by accident : it can be no part of the system that pupils should be entered for a test because of the age they are or the class they are part of .
27 They are part of a 50-strong bank of volunteers from Hampshire , Surrey , Kent and Yorkshire , who are driving the 2,000 miles across Eastern Europe , to the home for up to 150 children aged between three and 16 .
28 To the extent that individuals and organisations still support or tolerate meat consumption , to that extent they are part of the moral problem , not part of the moral solution .
29 In this sense they are part of a system of communication between parent and child .
30 They are part of the culture of society and are passed on from one generation to the next .
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