Example sentences of "said [adv] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 The sergeant at the other end said grimly that the bloke was quite thick enough to do just that , so due precautions would be taken .
2 Frederica said obviously that the sky and the sea and the boats were uncannily like Van Gogh , and Hodgkiss said that of course they would never have seen them in this way before he saw them .
3 Some said merely that the money was not available to fit out such an expedition a second time , even if the spirit had been willing ; and that was certainly true .
4 But one MP said tonight that the money being spent on ONE youth is a disgrace .
5 Emphasising that " the key to a peaceful solution lies in the hands of Afghans themselves " , he said nevertheless that the talks had been made possible by the " new , positive and changing " United States attitude , a comment widely regarded as a reference to recent US congressional moves to cut aid to the mujahedeen by 10 per cent .
6 The federation 's president , The Princess Royal , said yesterday that a new medication control programme would be based at a laboratory in Newmarket and that there would be substantially increased stewarding , possibly assisted by the installation of video cameras .
7 President George Bush said yesterday that a special US anti-terrorist team had been sent to El Salvador on Tuesday but had not been involved in ending the siege .
8 The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board said yesterday that a 30 per cent increase in throughput last year failed to reduce its backlog .
9 The Environment Minister , Mr David Trippier , said yesterday that a newspaper report linking Mr Ponsford 's death with HMIP 's staffing problems was irresponsible and a ‘ thoughtless incursion into the domestic grief of his widow and family ’ .
10 A spokesman for the Jamaican Board said yesterday that a crowd close to 10,000 was expected .
11 Mr Roddy Jackson , who is co-ordinating the events on the duke 's behalf , said yesterday that a number of companies and organisations had already made bookings .
12 Arson attack : Police said yesterday that a fire in an empty block of flats on the Moor House estate at Ashington , Northumberland , was started deliberately .
13 Mike Widmer , group managing director for Caldaire , said yesterday that a deputation from the firm would ask Mr Freeman to waive the clause when they meet him in London on Thursday .
14 David Hooker , Aberdeen 's managing director , said yesterday that a final offer was being posted to Brabant 's shareholders , with a circular seeking approval for it from his own shareholders .
15 POLICE said yesterday that a body taken from the River Clyde at the weekend was that of John McGregor , 49 , who had been missing from his home in Millerfield Place , Glasgow , since December last year .
16 Scottish Office officials said yesterday that a Scottish Environmental Protection Agency ( SEPA ) could be operational by 1996 , although its creation has been opposed by 40 local authorities and six of the seven river purification boards .
17 The Chinese foreign ministry said yesterday that a resumption of Sino-British dialogue depended on Mr Patten abandoning the proposals , which would allow Hong Kong people to elect a majority of their legislature for the first time in 1995. — Reuter
18 Sources close to the regional council said yesterday that a study — which could cost about of £25,000 — could restore the business community 's confidence in the pit and in the consortium which is operating it .
19 The Zulu leader , Mangosuthu Buthelezi , who considers elections are impossible in the current climate of violence , said yesterday that a peace agreement between his Inkatha Freedom Party and the ANC was the only way to halt the the bloodletting .
20 The Defence Secretary , Dick Cheney , said yesterday that no formal pledge was given to the rebels but US troops were moved into place on both roads on Tuesday morning , ready to intervene if Washington decided that they should .
21 Security Minister Michael Mates said yesterday that no amount of killings would win terrorists a place at the conference table .
22 Hill Samuel said yesterday that the plan to put Ferranti 's naval and avionics businesses into a separate company and to merge it with another UK defence company , thought to be Thorn EMI , is to be investigated further .
23 Vadim Perfilyev , the Foreign Ministry spokesman , said yesterday that the contested region of Nagorny Karabakh , at the heart of the Azeri-Armenian conflict , was almost completely paralysed by the blockade .
24 Dr Grant said yesterday that the accident and emergency department would not be closing , not least because surrounding hospitals appeared unable to take the load .
25 But the investigators said yesterday that the explosive could have been illegally packed into the hold as part of the cargo , without a detonator .
26 He said yesterday that the share of urban land in the South-east would grow by about 1 per cent , at the expense of rural land .
27 John Payson , who sent the picture for sale at Sotheby 's , said yesterday that the bidding had gone well past his minimum .
28 A police spokesman said yesterday that the Student Representative Council 's president , Arthur Mutambara , and its secretary , Enock Chikweche , whose arrests early on Wednesday prompted the violence , could face charges of organising an ‘ illegal meeting ’ .
29 The Department of Education and Science said yesterday that the Government had spent £19.7m on CTCs and there was a further planned expenditure over the next three years of £106.2m .
30 THE NUNS in Northamptonshire who are battling to save their 5,000 chickens from slaughter said yesterday that the Ministry of Agriculture had changed its story over the type of salmonella responsible for the outbreak of food poisoning which led to the flock being tested .
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