Example sentences of "said [conj] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He had smiled then and said that despite my generosity he would give no cause for jealousy .
2 She said that despite his little weaknesses ( here Carole thought of Grace 's bruised bum ) , she had always found Sir Ralph to be a proper gentleman .
3 Chairman Mao insisted on re-education : ‘ He said that despite our intellectual development , we still had dirty minds which must be cleansed by contact with true working classes — lucky again , because I learned much folk music from my colleagues .
4 As early as 1879 , the union secretary was reporting in consternation : " so highly are they prized that one master who employs 20 girls vauntingly said that with his girls and the … foreman , he could carry on the work of his establishment , dispensing with journeymen ! "
5 The only reason I came here was because the Madam gave me your name and said that with your underworld connections you might be able to help me find someone . "
6 I said that without my dear brother I had little care where I was , and no one I wished to speak to .
7 He said that during his recent visit to Moscow , President Gorbachev had given a warning that the failure of East Germany 's reform process would not only destabilise the GDR but also have ‘ serious repercussions ’ for perestroika in the Soviet Union .
8 He said that during his recent visit to Moscow , President Gorbachev had given a warning that the failure of East Germany 's reform process would not only destabilise the GDR but also have ‘ serious repercussions ’ for perestroika in the Soviet Union .
9 Mr Waite said that during his captivity he endured torture , a mock execution and four years solitary confinement , including a period in which he lay blindfolded in a foetal position day and night with his hands and feet chained together .
10 Selahattin Simsek said that during his interrogation , police officers tortured him for 23 consecutive days , but he confessed to nothing more than ‘ a certain sympathy ’ for the PKK .
11 Gen. Tadeusz Wilecki took over as Chief of General Staff of the Polish Army on Aug. 12 , replacing Gen. Zdzislaw Stelmaszuk , who said that during his five years in command , the army had been reduced from 412,000 to 217,000 soldiers .
12 Gen. Tadeusz Wilecki took over as Chief of General Staff of the Polish Army on Aug. 12 , replacing Gen. Zdzislaw Stelmaszuk , who said that during his five years in command , the army had been reduced from 412,000 to 217,000 soldiers .
13 Ms Burke said that under her care , Profile provided about 3,000 telephone numbers a day to customers undertaking planning applications .
14 He blamed politicians and some sections of the media for whipping up anxiety about mortgage repossessions and said that for his company marital breakdown rather than poverty was still the main reason for such repossessions .
15 He said that on her birthday he asked her what she had learnt from life , and she thought for a long time , and then said : ‘ That people are morally the same , and intellectually different . ’
16 The Irish-Americans said that on their return to the United States they would be reporting their findings to ‘ public and private officials ’ .
17 One gentleman said that on his 65th birthday his sole thought had been , not the hope that his grandchildren would send a card , but that never again would the manilla envelope summoning him to do jury service tumble through his letterbox .
18 I daresay he said that to his disciples , only that bit was censored .
19 He 's been , said that to his wife there touching you up at his side .
20 The accepted theory said that within their closed society they probably practised some exclusivist cult religion .
21 Murray said that before his arrest he had become aware drugs were being taken .
22 Cyril Ramaphosa , president of the National Union of Mineworkers and one of the group who met Mr Mandela on Tuesday , said that after their release the ANC men would demand passports so as to visit ANC leaders abroad for consultations .
23 The Labour leader said that in her supposed splendid isolation from Europe , Margaret Thatcher showed she was from the Greta Garbo school of diplomacy .
24 Manu , the famous ancient Hindu law-giver , said that in her childhood the woman must be under the control of her father ; in her adult life she must be under her husband 's control and in her old age her son must control her .
25 He said that in her disdain for the laws of our land she had humiliated the honour of her family name ; there was no other course possible for her family to take .
26 GILLIAN said that in her opinion their was just as cumbersome and just as obviously diplomatic as his or her , but why was the meeting being so squeamish about making a point anyway ?
27 She said that in her opinion it would be desirable if Alice came in , as soon as possible .
28 Dottie 's feelings were seldom bruised by honesty — I simply said I 'd rather not and she said that in her opinion I was crazy , and that was that .
29 Questioned by Paul Cullen , prosecuting , she said that in her opinion the children had been injured by penile penetration .
30 A Russian official in Moscow said that in their telephone conversation Yeltsin proposed a new agenda for relations with Clinton .
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