Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless do not tell me of it , even to confirm me ; for it is what we can not analyse or arrange , any more than the rich simplicity of childhood .
2 Do not tell me that they are old ideas .
3 Please do not tell me that the object of professional boxing is to accumulate points by touching parts of the opponent 's head .
4 ‘ You question me as though I were a pedlar but you do not tell me what you are doing in the forest .
5 Do not tell me that Sir Alexander Ramsay of Dalwolsey , renowned in the ranks of chivalry , has been deprived of all dealings with the female kind ?
6 You do not tell me the depth of your pond , but shallow ponds ( if yours is indeed shallow ) are much more prone to algal infestation because they warm up so much more quickly and have such a large surface area in relation to volume .
7 Foolish because if you do not tell me , I have the power to take you away from the river bank , away from the sun and light , and shut you in the caracol for ever . ’
8 If candidates ' responses do not tell you what you need to know then follow up your initial question with a more specific one .
9 The only problem with them is that they do not tell you how .
10 We do not tell you the location of these areas , nor do we tell you which pennant is in which combat zone .
11 Unless we make it trivially true that gold is malleable , by explicitly including malleability in our idea of it , we can perceive no connection between the ideas of gold and malleability ; our observation and experiment do not tell us that gold must be malleable ; we have no knowledge that it is .
12 The Minutes do not tell us in what Mr R — — — ‘ s ‘ misconduct ’ consisted and he is heard of no more .
13 But they do not tell us much about how more complex cognitive processes take place .
14 While examination results alone do not tell us much about the nature of the educational crisis , they are useful indicators of the extent of the problem : undoubtedly school conditions and the situation of teachers have affected their outcomes .
15 Léandre Schlegel ( 1844–1913 ) is represented by the sixth , somewhat characterless , piece of Der arme Peter , which I assume to be a ‘ suite ’ of some sort ( Willem Noske 's otherwise intelligent and informative notes do not tell us ) .
16 But these caricatures do not tell us much about what is going on with real , complex individuals behind the scenes .
17 However , they do not tell us about the complex subjective processes which this involved .
18 But these conventions do not tell us anything about the student 's facility with abstraction nor about his or her logical performance .
19 Conversely , the school tests for explicitness do not tell us very much about the exercise of multiple points of view .
20 They do not tell us why the level is set at its current average rather than some much higher or lower figure .
21 Unlike historical documents , archaeological sites and their finds do not tell us anything directly .
22 These correlations , while of interest , do not tell us much about the political substance of the ‘ class'/party link , but Butler and Stokes pursued this further by soliciting ‘ free ’ responses concerning the reasons for identification with one or other party .
23 The specifications of these tasks do not tell us what a goal state is .
24 Medical audit advisory groups do not tell us their procedures to prevent gossip and simplistic interpretation of raw statistics weighing on the minds of family health services authority managers with discretionary powers .
25 Thus , not only are there ambiguities in practice in terms of the organisational design of public sector organisations but they do not tell us very much about the power and status that attach to particular departments .
26 However , the laws do not tell us what the universe should have looked like when it started — it would still be up to God to wind up the clockwork and choose how to start it off .
27 Thus the excellent studies of the mud and sand flats around the Wash in eastern England give us a clear picture of the zonation of the sediments and their associated life , and of the processes involved , but do not tell us if they have accumulated in depth and are likely to stay there for the geologist of the future .
28 The other factor to consider is that the figures do not tell us about the amount of borrowing which comes about from increases in mortgages used for purposes other than house purchase .
29 Notice , though , that while flow figures are useful in telling us the directions in which companies channel the funds they received , they do not tell us how active intermediaries are in any particular market .
30 Moreover , stateless societies are either small tribal societies , or small communities within a larger political system , and their political arrangements do not tell us a great deal that is relevant to the great majority of human societies .
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