Example sentences of "do [det] [noun] do " in BNC.

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1 I think that we should accept th that this island in which we live is in effect becoming smaller day-by-day , as it is becoming more and more open er we should accept that its population is becoming perhaps with the assistance of a little advice from myself from time-to-time , rather more mobile than it used to be and I must say that we should I think all accept and I 'm sure we do that criminals do not have any particular respect for local authority boundaries er indeed the existence of the motorway system er despite the M25 does encourage mobility of crime and criminals to a very great extent .
2 Erm before we do that Mr do you want to just briefly introduce your additional paper .
3 Q. Why do some people do everything the food experts tell them and still have high cholesterol levels ?
4 What do these figures do for the bottom line ?
5 Exercised , yeah , they 're exercised , normal exercise during the week and then when they do these events do you see ?
6 Why do these people do this ? ’ she said .
7 Oh right oh what do these people do it all week ?
8 PJ turns his attention to the US government : ‘ What the fuck do these guys do all day and why does it cost so goddamned much money ? ’
9 bodies , victims , flames what do those words do to me as I 'm reading
10 And they only , they o they only do same job do n't they ?
11 What do most people do when they begin to doubt ?
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