Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was a brief silence , then Hawkins said : ‘ I do n't want to complain , Denholm , but you do rather tend to complicate matters . ’
2 ‘ Well , they do rather want to take in a show , but we 'll have to see what 's open .
3 I do rather enjoy having the flat to myself , despite a constant battle with my clutter !
4 It 's the same here , but they do all get listened to and they get a reply .
5 They do all get listened to and they get a reply .
6 It was a dirty trick to put it into to poor Mary Lou 's desk said Jean , she ca n't help being scared of things I suppose , she almost jumped out of her skin when she saw it , I should of thought any joker in our form would of been decent enough to popped it into say Alicia 's desk , not if it happened to be Alicia who popped it in said a sly voice , you do so love playing tricks do n't you Alicia ?
7 ‘ They 're not so predictable , ’ said Mrs Lane practically , ‘ and they do so tend to camp , you know .
8 I do so want to help him before he makes a complete fool of himself .
9 I do so long to see her , Aunt Sarah ! ’
10 I do so enjoy introducing one friend to another . ’
11 But I do so like having you in the game .
12 And then Clelia sighed heavily , and looked sadly at Clara 's Japanese wooden egg puzzle , which she had been trying all this while to do , and said , " How very dull for you , to hear all about my affairs , but I do so like to tell the story of my life , it makes me feel as though things hive re ally happened to me , whereas otherwise they seem not to happen . "
13 Almost without exception , the visitors who turn up this road do so having heard or read of the ‘ parallel roads ’ , a remarkable geological antiquity found in other Scottish glens but nowhere as clearly defined as in Glen Roy .
14 Those that do so have to set aside less capital to cover property risks and less time for completing detailed regulatory reports and managing a messy portfolio .
15 Not because I 'm not , but because I do so hate to waste my time .
16 ‘ I do so hate getting my feet dirty , even when I 'm wearing wellies , khikhikhi ! ’
17 Furthermore , there are significant flaws in the use of such substitutes as Methadone : sufferers from addictive disease will commonly use other drugs including intravenous drugs in addition to their oral Methadone and when they do finally want to end their suffering and come off drugs altogether they commonly find that it is far harder to come off Methadone that to come off heroin .
18 But heads do nevertheless need to say what has to be changed from time to time — and should see the need for change before their colleagues .
19 Although these four authors address themselves to rather different problems , and do not appear to agree on a number of issues , their combined views on the importance of soil erosion are more or less consistent , and quite clear — its importance is exaggerated , agricultural technology initiated by both officials and farmers can respond satisfactorily , and the resources at disposal are massive and are constantly being created by technology itself .
20 The arms do not appear to extend to the middle of the disk as in Asteroschema inornatum .
21 Highly career-motivated middle-class people fill silences with socially acceptable noises ; people at the base of a hierarchy do not appear to need all this noise .
22 There are now two breeds of cat available that do not appear to cause allergic responses , which with an ordinary cat would lead to breathing difficulties and an asthmatic condition .
23 Finally the courts do not appear to exhibit such a protective attitude towards the employee when asked to control his misuse of business secrets .
24 Although the wound circumference has shortened by this stage to about ⅓ of its initial length , the individual cells at the wound margin do not appear narrowed .
25 Differential ownership of mechanical aids , and differences in the possession of amenities , may affect the way housework is done , and they may have some influence on attitudes to work tasks , but they do not appear to affect satisfaction with work .
26 Similarly , political conditions in Northern Ireland serve to maintain a powerful sense of ethnic distinctiveness which is marked in a number of culturally codified ways ( Larsen 1982 : 135 ) ; but these do not appear to include systematic linguistic differences .
27 Furthermore , these Creole features of grammar do not appear to carry any particular symbolic value either ( see the quote from Hewitt above ) and the contexts in which they occur do not make them look like code switches .
28 " The current and projected levels of ozone depletion do not appear to represent a catastrophe , " says Michael Oppenheimer of the Environmental Defence Fund .
29 There is still widespread popular belief in the efficacy of practising such ‘ relevant ’ skills , even though research clearly indicates that such practice is largely futile : if pupils are unable to master a skill fairly quickly they do not appear to improve subsequently .
30 However , the Working for patients proposals do not appear to envisage such contracts .
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