Example sentences of "one of [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 The most common way for the virus to spread is through unprotected sexual intercourse between two people , one of whom is infected .
2 One of the New Forum posters shows a well-drawn man addressing a largely faceless crowd , one of whom is holding up a placard that reads ‘ Keep it short ’ .
3 The first type is casual encounters along the beat , so that neighbourhood police pass friendly comments with whoever they happen to meet , such as people working in front gardens , the unemployed , customers in shops , old folks trying to cross busy roads , mothers with young children in push-chairs and prams , young children being especially appealing to the older family men who seem to predominate in the Neighbourhood Unit , only one of whom is not married .
4 In The Ebb-Tide , also , the exiled American and two Englishmen , one of whom is a ‘ London clerk ’ , initially rot on the beach with ‘ memoirs of the music-hall ’ .
5 Inside the Manor , Mr Peto displayed his eclectic tastes and imported great oaken figures to support the ceiling in the garden hall , one of whom is the figure of St Barba , the patron saint of soldiers but also , appropriately , of architects .
6 A marriage celebrated between two persons , one of whom is at the time validly married , is in any case void ; and any person knowingly entering into such a marriage is guilty of bigamy .
7 Second , the union of two people who have the same biological sex , but one of whom is an operated transsexual with a female gender identity should be recognized as a marriage .
8 If marriage exists to create some kind of secure relationship , from which flow mutual rights and expectations , and to provide a stable environment for raising children , if there be any , but is not predicated solely on the opportunity for intercourse , then it can legitimately be extended to cover the union of two persons , one of whom is an operated transsexual .
9 Djinn are governed by a race of kings named Suleyman , one of whom is believed to have erected the pyramids .
10 Under the present arrangement , single week Championship Series are guaranteed six top-rated players , although much to the surprise of four tournament directors , one of whom is on the Tour Board , the word ‘ guaranteed ’ has been changed to read ‘ Tour goal ’ .
11 A dies and his next-of-kin begin practising vengeance-magic against a number of suspects one of whom is B. B eventually dies , to the gratification of A's family , who regard his demise as a judgment .
12 Two warriors , one of whom is Saibol , Tepilit 's younger brother , stand at a distance .
13 The normal practice is to appoint two or more directors , one of whom is the company secretary .
14 On the other hand , it is my opinion that when a decision-making body is called upon to reach a decision which arises out of the relationship between two persons or firms , only one of whom is directly under the control of the decision-making body , and it is apparent that the decision will be likely to affect the second person adversely , then as a general proposition the decision-making body does owe some duty of fairness to that second person , which , in appropriate circumstances , may well include a duty to allow him to make representations before reaching the decision .
15 The Council consists of the Lord Chief Justice , the Master of the Rolls , the President of the Family Division , the Vice-Chancellor as head of the Chancery Division , the senior presiding judge and two judges of the High Court , one of whom is a presiding judge .
16 One of whom is still unidentified . ’
17 Courses are generally run by two ESL specialists , one of whom is an experienced trainer but who does not necessarily have classroom teaching experience in the subject area being addressed while the second is chosen because they have worked in the subject area , usually as part of a language support team , but sometimes because they themselves have training and/or experience in the subject area .
18 Mr. A. J. Beith ( On behalf of the House of Commons Commission ) : The Computer Officer , who has responsibility to both Houses for computer developments planned for Parliament as a whole , has a staff of two assistant computer officers , one of whom is on secondment to the House , and one full-time and one part-time secretary .
19 One of my greatest frustrations is having to tell my electors , in correspondence and personally , that there is nothing I can do about a proposal because a decision has already been taken somewhere else — albeit by ministers , one of whom is a Member of the House — that there is nothing that anyone can do because the decision has been taken outside these shores , so there is no point in writing to me .
20 The two Vice-Presidents , one of whom is the President of Zanzibar and the other the Prime Minister of the Union government , are appointed by the President , as is the Cabinet ( in consultation with the Prime Minister ) .
21 The two Vice-Presidents , one of whom is the President of Zanzibar and the other the Prime Minister of the Union government , are appointed by the President , as is the Cabinet ( in consultation with the Prime Minister ) .
22 One patient had a combined cholecystoscopy and endoscopic sphincterotomy to clear stones from the gall bladder and bile duct , leaving two patients with a failed clearance , one of whom is without symptoms ( patient IV ) .
23 The material is then issued to the cutting room where five people are employed , one of whom is the cutting room supervisor .
24 Weale ) is assisted by two Senior Assistant Registrars , one of whom is the Secretary of the Medical School , and a number of Assistant Registrars and Administrative Officers .
25 Elstree is not able to take all the aviation business that 's been displaced for weeks that I know of and , and for Hatfield I 've been notified by two people who are at present at Hatfield , one of whom is going to move to Stansted .
26 I found coming into Suffolk from Hertfordshire I had n't heard the , any East Anglian dialect before at all erm I did n't find it difficult , there were only two cases and I can remember thinking there were two people er , one of whom is still alive , er who I had great difficulty in understanding and I thought when I can follow both of them without any difficulty I shall know I really belong .
27 At the time , people felt they had secure jobs er in the M O D and the dockyard and so people accepted that with pensions and everything that goes with that sort of secure job , now of course the whole situation is enormously diff different and I was saying to , I have some French people staying with me this morning and I was , they were asking me about wages and I was saying to my daughter who works er on a Thursday evening in the local Sainsburys , earns more per hour than a friend of mine , well two friends of mine , one of whom is a carpenter , a fully qualified carpenter and the other is a motor mechanic , and that 's an indication of the sort of level of wages that people are paid in this area .
28 The offence is one of what is called ‘ strict liability ’ .
29 It consists of two alternating narratives , one of which is set in the eighteenth century and the other in the present , with the earlier delivered in the first person .
30 At about the same time , 1926 to be exact , Walter Cocking produced what became known as Everyman Four receiver , originally called Everyman 's Four-valve , one of which is now in the Science Museum .
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